Did I do this invocation ritual right?

Yes, because you haven’t developed the skills necessary.

Possibly. It could be seen as disrespectful, though I doubt it really had anything to do with Gremory at all, to be honest . It just seems like a very weird thing to do.

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FML! :skull::skull::skull:

but is it wrong in general if anyone masturbates thinking about the spirits they were trying to evoke or looking at their AI generated images is offensive and doing the deed?

To be frank, what you did had nothing whatsoever to do with the magick you performed. It was just you fulfilling your own desires. It was basically just jerking off to porn. It wasn’t “wrong” per se, it just had nothing really to do with the spirit or the magick.

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Understood, should not have gotten carried away, I feel really stupid.

how can I develop them?

shall I do the same evocation on friday?

Actually take the rime to build them up. There are exercises you can do.

Why would you need to?

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just like a improvisation on what I did today sometime ago but I will get some offering for her like a rose and convey my wish again?

yes, please, can you suggest some?

Here’s one:

You don’t need to harass the spirit. Assume he got your first request.

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oki oki, noted, thank you so much!

I am feeling really embarrassed for what I did and I feel like I may have offended her, is there any way to that out? and how can I really apologize to her? Ever since I found out about the goetia, I have been really drawn to Duchess Gremory and I dont wanna lose her or make her mad at me. @DarkestKnight

Just make an offering and say you’re sorry.

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I opened her sigil, folded my hands and said that I am sorry for what I did and I got really carried away, what can I offer to her?

Would there be a way to find out if I pissed her off?

Stop worrying about it. The more you push it, the more you potentially make things worse. Just take responsibility for what you did, give her a sincere apology and leave it at that. Don’t keep pestering her.

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There is one thing to note that I had mentioned earlier as well, since I have done this, whenever I think intently about Duchess Gremory, I feel a lot of pressure in my forehead, does that mean anything, I am really confused?

Pressure in the center of the forehead generally signals the flow of energy into the area.

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so that could not be related to Gremory, right, or its possible she could be stimulating it?

It’s likely just your own energy reacting.

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Understood, thanks mate.

When you feel the pressure, you should put your awareness on it and try to increase it. It could be a sign of your senses beginning to awaken.