Devils garden edens most forbidden fruits!

About to buy this and start a devils garden with these plants to start me on the poison path :grin::smiley::yum::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiling_imp::slightly_smiling_face:


Nice. Hope it goes well

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Hail Satan lmfao


That is a marvelous selection well done. :ok_hand: Enjoy every moment of their lessons!

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I’m very excited for it seeing them grow from seed especially

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Brugmansia! One of my favorite plants. It’s only hardy in gardening zones 8 and up, but easy to overwinter. Growing it from seed can take 4-5 years to bloom. Cuttings are faster, about 2 - 3 years unless you live in the tropics. Happy gardening! :cherry_blossom:


Just out of curiosity, why would you plant poisonous plants? Is it just because they look cool or do they have specific remedies associated with them?


Ya I live in the Midwest but I’m considering creating a grow room with these forbidden plants of poison all inside my ritual room kinda like a jungle section in the ritual room with growlights and misters or humidifiers so I have less watering to do this could be Atleast temporarily but possible permanent if it works well I can’t wait till my first blooms but I think brugsmania similarly to datura all parts of the plant can be useful if you are planning to use it for some purpose


In my case both some those plants listed I am getting just because there cool looking and fascinating but others have quite a few medicinal uses hallucinagenic uses and uses in the occult or spells or potions or elixers


Some are also associated with entities or types of entities aswell


Yes!! Seed is a great way to go - I enjoy seeing my beauties in all phases of their lives, and as far as communing with their spirits, Ive found it the quickest way to start building a relationship. Happy gardening!

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I think it depends on the practitioner.

I work with balmy and baneful plants as a foundation for my practice, but in my incorporating plants, they are not simply ingredients, nor do i solely focus on their medicinal qualities/formulations. I acknowledge them as housing their own distinctive presence, energy, spirit and power part of which is unique to the individual plant growing, as well as an β€œoverall” ruling consciousness of said plant. Poisonous plants have different domains in magic but not always or necessarily baneful workings depending on the species, and they have unique folklore associated with them, which gets more interesting when you compare and analyze folklore and magical uses associated between cultures and find similarities among plants and relatives, even cultures that did not have the chance to interact and share.

I also think they’re beautiful/cool.


Yes I feel the plants add a different sense of spirit to it nothing else can there unique

They don’t get credit they deserve to say least

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Yes! Agreed!

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