Destroying the old troll gods ( allah, Yahweh etc )

That was why I invoked my ancestral line and why many other people did the same - enough minds sharing an intent and whatever alters the mass observed reality, anyway that’s all theory, my only serious appeal is check for the placeholders, we put some spirits in to harness and use the energy of the Xians who just pray every day (Muslims too, I hate Islam but by no means are all, or even most, ordinary Muslims bad people) to faciliate GLOBAL theogeneis and ascent - if we’d not done this, it would have been like leaving an open wound, and other “infections” would have found their way in. :slight_smile:


Do you know of any specific way to check for one of those placeholders?

Duke Cohzier was overseeing some of this, also Óðinn, Bael, Lilith, Set, and your own godform will be able to point out what’s quietly taking submissive faith energy sacrificed that way, and transmuting it into theogenesis energy and inspiration for people.


Alright, I’ll just have them present if I choose to do anything.

Wait how’d you get my godform on this? No one knows who he is.

Everyone’s godform will be able to advise how to avoid damaging the structure that was put in place.

This was the act of shattering the Sun/s, invoking the Black Sun into the “real” Sun as an evocation base, which fractured the power crystalised therein and rained it back where it belongs, into human beings.


Ohh ok lol sorry I was confused for a moment

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You could always go back and find there pre monotheistic versions and work with them though. That way you awaken the true essences of them as deities.

Just putting it out there lol


Nah I have a vendetta against Yahweh.

Like i said just putting it out there. As it’s not just yahweh, there is the elohim and el too lol not mention stolen aspects of baal. As for Allah in pagan tradition he is also a creator deity but has wife and children too. Modern muslims are forbidden to worship them as they are in the satanic verses but if you trace it back loads of gods lol

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You know, I’m starting to think that this isn’t necessarily the determining factor of the entity’s power. Look at how many people pray to “God,” and receive nothing. Either it’s unwilling or impotent. One of the two. If latter is the case, then battling this entity shouldn’t be too hard, considering how powerful the Old Gods are.

There’s another possibility too - perhaps because the Abrahamic God isn’t properly defined (the followers say he can do anything, knows everything, and is everywhere) is why he is not really powerful.

Everyone has immense, literally Godlike creative power to co-manifest reality, the scam job of these religions and the troll entity was that it convinced people over time that the power belongs to IT, so when someone prayed for healing, the energy was going partially to it and partially to the healing, and the chains on ascent and spiritual freedom got heavier and heavier…

The “god” people find that’s sincere, loving, transcendent, performs miracles, and encourages personal spiritual experience is usually the interface of Source/their own Higher Self within, and people who work with that are doing work stemming, really, from their own godhood, but those who snivel and pray to this weird desert thing were just strengthing the bars of the prison.

UPG there obvs, but one I’ve verified with a few other people.


I guess it makes sense in a way. Still, it can be beaten.

I am so happy you brought this up. Has anyone here ever actually tried to evoke the Abrahamic djinn? The entity so many of us think we are counter to may not be even remotely close to the egregore of the more modern faiths. Remember, the hatred and suffering caused by the Abrahamic god-thing some how always manifests through the actions of wicked humans, the same humans that make (mostly bullshit) claims as to knowing the will of that same being. How convenient. Perhaps, as in so many parts of our history, the Abrahamic god-thing is “loosely based on true events”.


YHWH was likely a fourth tier god in the Canaanite pantheon before he became a co-entity with El, the patriarch of the Canaanite pantheon, in the religious evolution of Israel.


I believe all those names were stolen, and used as masks. Kind of like modern day digital identity theft, I find your details and sign up to Amazon (aka a source of things I want, in that case prayer, fear, worship, and faith) and get what should be going to you delivered to me instead. Same with El & Elohim (spelling, I know, varies, not sure which is correct).


Didn’t he have a wife, too? When was that phased out?

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Personally, I think it’s very telling that you can call on the Hebrew angels and get fireworks and a big brass band. Call on the supposed God? Not a sausage. “Metatron” can heal you, fix your life, wash the dishes and do your taxes all in an afternoon, but Jehovah can’t even pick up the phone? I mean, the REAL God picks up the phone if you’re psychic, but Jehovah just lets it ring.

I don’t think the problem is “god forms” so much as people engaging in deception for profit.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all just mystery religions like all the other mystery religions. The ultimate derivation is just Greek, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Egyptian occultism, with only very slight cosmetic alterations. Hebrew is the only language we still have that possesses the kind of really impressive talismanic power that more ancient semitic languages had. Sanskrit is the only thing in the same ballpark, but Hebrew talismanic words don’t require thousands of repetitions to get results. I’ve mentioned this before, but the “Hebrew” angels will tell you point blank they’re Egyptian. YHWH or IAOA is a Greco-Chaldean talismanic word. It was never a god and its “name” and pronunciation were never lost. The Torah was mangled and manipulated by translators to conceal the fact that the older documents clearly reference multiple gods being reverenced and not one god whose name is just “God”.

What’s wrong with these religions is the layer of filth that’s built up around them by turning them into a literal-minded racket . The satanists who talk about “killing” the Christian god don’t understand that they’re participating in the exact same mystery religion - the goat Capricorn, Baphomet, kills the lamb/sun of God Aries at the winter solstice. Then evil aka winter reigns in the interval of darkness while the Sun of god has “descended” into the underworld of the Southern Hemisphere. Either Jesus returns from hell victorious or Satan rises from hell to rule on earth. It’s the exact same myth either way. Satan, Jesus, and God are all coded references to the movement of the sun through the path of the ecliptic and the houses of the zodiac. At no point in its inception or continued propagation have the authors and promoters of Christianity, Satanism, or Islam been unaware of this or ceased to use symbols and coded language which indicate that the powerful people in all these religions are fully in on the joke.

A brilliant man by the name of Robert Taylor wrote four of the most impressively erudite books you could ever hope to read exposing this back in the 19th century. He was imprisoned twice for his efforts. Taylor utterly nailed them to the wall. He proved they didn’t just “start” as occult mystery religions and then everybody forgot. They’re STILL occult mystery religions, but the initiation has been made opaque intentionally in order to subjugate the masses.

However… there were things Crowley brought out of the closet, that all the Israel Regardies and Dion Fortunes who came in his wake and interpreted him “for” you so you wouldn’t read him yourself discreetly put back IN the closet. One of those things was that modern Freemasonry and the Golden Dawn had fucked with the tree of life and scrambled a lot of basic entry-level teachings. Among the things Crowley let out of the bag was that the reason Jehovah/Jupiter is a “false” and evil god is because Chesed SHOULD be Isis, and was only very recently altered. Chesed should be the womb of a nurturing mother goddess, not the “law” of a strict but supposedly loving father god. I think the repercussions of this alteration have probably been far more problematic to the collective consciousness than any god-forms could really be. It also seems to me that the genders of the tree have been intentionally reversed, and who knows what kind of shit that’s caused. I think THIS is one of the areas to investigate if you’re really looking to change things.

If you read all that you’ve won a chocolate cigar.


El, the aforementioned patriarch of the Canaanite pantheon, did have a consort goddess named Asherah. YHWH did not have any consort by himself, but as the Israelites began to associate El and YHWH with each other YHWH also ended up with Asherah as his consort. This was retconned by later Jewish authors.

And Elohim is a Canaanite phrase referring to the Sons of El (70 or 72). And so, that’s the origin of that phrase. In Genesis 1 it says that Elohim made the heavens and the earth and they made mankind in their image.

This aligns with what we did linked above, fwiw - destroy a kind of shell formed of greed, malevolence and deception that was wrapped inside a layer of flithy stuff mimicking belief and forms created by man, and which turned the faith and hopes of normal people, all the energy sent its way, into further shackles to render each generation more deluded.

This could also account for why the Big Three got progressively more screwy as the institutions built up around them and promoted a disempowering message that caused people to only look backwards, and to submit utterly and reject all personal spiritual experience (magick and so on) as evil.

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great, but the fake god “allah” worshipped by one billion of stupid and one billion 100% correct.