Desperate healing request

Hi everyone,

The love of my life has been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver due to stage 4 endometriosis causing undetected damage over time, the doctor blithely tells her that she has 6 to 8 months left and probably wont be a priority on the donor list. I am looking into every physical avenue including live donation from myself or a family member and potentially travelling overseas as she has British citizenship and the organ donor wait times are far less than in South Africa.

I have done pathworking’s with Raphael for healing and finding the best doctors and Samael for attacking the disease head on both of which I felt a positive acknowledgment from, I have also done some AOO work for healing.

Could any more experienced occultists here give me any advice on how you would proceed? I feel the need to do as much as possible and am open to any and all suggestions or assistance.

Thanks guys.

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Carefully and on her doctors advice but with consideration that the liver actually regenerates itself naturally when the right conditions are met, so miracles are not impossible with the liver and after a major injury or issue- diet is very, extremely important. Especially if she doesn’t have a gall bladder- I know removal helps some people but it can cause the liver to have more issues with diet.

Even if she has a successful transplant or partial transplant, her diet will be important as well as what she’s exposed to-rejection is a risk so there will be lots of precautions and medical advice to listen carefully to.

I can send you an image embedded with reiki for her, (if you like) you can accept it on her behalf if she’s unable or it’s an awkward topic- so long as her soul/higher self do not decline. If either declines it will just disperse and return instead of going where needed.

There is evidence out there that energetic healing modules of many types can help alongside regular medical treatments, but which healing techniques are right for each individual is another one of those variant things.

If many people offer you help, I’d choose the ones that feel the most right and would not necessarily accept everyones offer. People can mean well and still not be effective or even cause harm so follow your intuition and let it guide you.

If you can quiet yourself or dial back the panic at least, your intuition can probably offer up several good things and at the very least help you vet the aid your looking for, don’t blow a ton of cash on a ton of services- choose well instead, because she matters. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much Ket, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond with some very sage advice as always. I will work on dialing back my rising panic, not sleeping for over a day doesn’t help matters either.

Please do send on the Reiki image, I will give it to her directly as we do talk about my outlandish occult beliefs. I also feel that lots of energy work will be beneficial directly over the affected areas.

Her name is Natasha if that helps.

Thanks again.

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Yes give me an hour or so, I’m just waking up and getting into the day. :slight_smile:

Sleep if you can, when you feel tired. Sometimes you can’t and I get it, but sleep helps in many ways and your panic doesn’t help her, so sleep when you get a chance, man :slight_smile:


Thank you!

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No problem, I inboxed you instructions and an image :slight_smile:


I’ll do the same with an image infused with enochian healing. I have to head out now, but ill do it tonight when I get home

Might also be an idea to jump into AngelB’s magickal friends with benefits thread, when that kicks off you can get like 25 people hitting it


Thanks my friend, I appreciate your help🙂


From my experience:
Psychological issue → havoc in energy body → physical disease

-At psychological issue level you can see on the person sometimes that something is off with him, or you see it plainly through anger and strange behaviours, but you can’t really see what is the root low level belief that he has.
At the psychological issue the person already have low vibrational heavy energy felt in the body.
-At the peak of one of my mediations I got into theta trance and I saw for a moment my astral chest and disguting energy distortions, splits, deformed energybody, for that moment I smelled and sensed with all my senses this disgusting thing. I’m at this level. Significant pains, weaknesses, but medical people will just tell me it is emotional pains and hallucinations, because medical devices don’t show any problem.
-At the level of physical disease, long time ago we saw our teacher getting into bad beliefs, then we saw she quite strongly believed that psychological problem caused her illness, but she wasn’t able to release it so she died.
-But professional medical advices should be followed too.


I’m sending reiki to you and the love of your life.


You can heal by using some epic oracle mantras. It’s hidden from most but I can most definitely DM you some private ones to do alone. You will need 37 mins exctly of peace in your mind. If anyone else is interested. I don’t charge to share this. I only ask this is done purely for someone else and not your self.

Welcome @Bellend90 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


Im curious. Could you explain a bit about epic oracle mantras?

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Sure. So, you need the constellation of your or the person you are helping to be seen. So either download a pic of it from the internet or literally if it happens to be seen in the sky that’s even better. It’s designed to bring peace but has alot to do with solar energy bodies. Sun and star. NOT fire beings. The mantras I can’t put on here but I will send when my private message becomes activated.


So by their constellation are you meaning in relation to when they were born?

It doesn’t seem like you meant poorly, but for this disease in particular, this is not helpful advice at all.

In advance, I apologize if any of this sounds irate. I just wish to provide helpful information and context considering how few results pop up on this forum for endo. The advice in your post is nothing new to someone who has this, and again, I don’t think you meant any ill, but the advice also has dangerous consequences to someone else who might have it and read it and think that the problem is sourced in their head.

This disease has a notoriously long diagnostic delay, often coupled with misdiagnoses for mental disorders or other psychological problems. Some spend decades trying to fix these problems and they don’t help whatsoever.

So while someone is wasting time trying to fix fictional mental problems, their body is destroying itself in ways they have no capacity of understanding or fighting back against. Very few doctors are educated on this disease either, which is how you get scenarios like in the OP where someone had liver damage so severe her life is at stake.

Or me, who has heart problems in my late 20s due to severe intestinal damage that puts me on par with a heavy drinker or hard drug user.

I can’t speak for all regions in the world, but I was often told that what I was experiencing was normal or that it was psychological. Many went so far as to call it “Eve’s Curse.”

I want to focus on that last bit for a second because as someone who’s practiced magick for just about 30 years now, it is insanely difficult to fight back against a societal curse.

From an early age I even had a spirit tell me that I would not be able to have children if a problem went unchecked. My astrology chart also shows signs of what my true health issues are. Despite having magickal knowledge of some sort, I was never, not once in decades, able to get any doctor to take this seriously. Of course I would not tell them about the magickal aspect, but I would insist that the problem existed in my reproductive system, not in my head.

No one listened.

This is what happens when a lot of people in a society are simultaneously cursing someone or merely influencing them with their personal beliefs. I don’t believe in stories from the bible, but plenty of other people do and that has a substantial effect in the world and the people who live in it. Plenty of other cultures don’t use the bible but have other similar myths essentially functioning in the same way.

A facet of what “Eve’s Curse” looks like:
1 in 10 women have endo.
Half of them have stage 3 and 4.
Half become infertile.
Many will go much of their lives in excruciating physical pain while others perpetually tell them that they are crazy, that it’s stress, anxiety, or psychological (as the post I’m replying to claims it to be).
When someone does finally find out what’s wrong, resources to obtain help are absurdly limited considering how common this is.

Magick has done all sorts of things to help me with this. It’s kept my head up (mostly), it’s reduced pain to some extent, it’s kept me on life support for the past several years too.

It’s been absurdly difficult to break through “Eve’s Curse” though. It’s even harder when that “curse” is most likely due to genetic factors above all else.

Sorry if this got long and if I sound mad. I do think magick can help to some extent, especially when there are no other options available, but it cannot fix this disease entirely. Suggesting otherwise is just another form of telling someone to pray it away.


OP, I am very sorry about your situation. I saw this thread back when you first posted but had a very difficult time with responding to it at the time.

I wish I had a lot more helpful advice, seeing as this comes from experience.

Regarding the heart problems I briefly touched upon in my prior post, to extrapolate a little more:
It was either late teens or early 20s when the heart arrhythmia began to develop. It was minor and not always perceptible so doctors ignored it. In my late 20s I nearly had a heart attack, but they couldn’t figure out what was causing it
(to be honest, most came off as though they thought I was lying about not using drugs or not being a heavy drinker)

At its worst, the arrhythmia was causing 4000 skipped beat a day.
I haven’t been able to totally reverse that damage, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was before. That was all thanks to magick as well as some mundane lifestyle changes.
Edit: the near heart-attack was about 7 years ago, so it’s been a while since having a problem that bad again

The top spirits who have helped me:

She is one of very few deities who is actually associated with chaotic menstrual cycles — so much that they were portrayed as violent storms. The Sumerians did not sweep this kind of female problem away — incredible that such was acknowledged in an ancient culture. They even had monthly ceremonies for this! Inanna is the curse breaker, and though she is not known for healing, she seems to know this disease and any damage caused by it better than anyone else.
I adore her for what she’s done for me and I would be happy to do some spells with her for your gf if you are okay with it.
(I am also fine with sharing some specific ones if you want to include those into your own practice)

He is my closest spirit relationship and he’s done wonders in helping me keep my sanity (somewhat lol) as well as reducing physical pain.
Belial is also known for helping with diet/fitness.
While having a good diet is not a total cure, it helps substantially with reducing inflammation and increasing the body’s capacity to heal. There are a lot of odd foods that can be really devastating for someone with this disease and it can be absurdly hard to manage diet. Anyway he helps with that a lot!

This is a mundane source, but a book called:
beating endo by Amy Stein and Dr Iris Kerin Orbuchhas is especially good. There’s a lot in it on diet for one. Though it does not mention anything like magick, there is a surprising amount that is highly compatible with it, like in a way to use it in conjunction with actual medical help.

Wishing the best for you and your gf, and as before if you’d like me to share any specific spells, I’d be happy to do so. Same with doing them on behalf — I just always ask first regardless, especially when specific spirits are involved.


Thank you! I sent you a PM.


Back on topic guys please. This is a forum for discussing magick, and we have a clear rule not to naysay on a working thread. And yes, this is a working thread.

@Bellend90 I realise you have given yourself a name to live up to but that’s enough now. :slight_smile: Please do READ the rules, and cut it out.

@Mickey27 I’ve cleaned up the off topic (non-magickal commentary) and less than considerate posts in this thread.

If your lady has enough spare fat I do recommend looking into dry fasting a la the Filonov research. In principle this causes significant autophagy to remove weak cells and mobilizes stem cells in the bone marrow to replace the damaged cells with new ones. Combining this with spiritual work such as working with a healing entity like Marbas in this situation doesn’t sound any less severe that what allopathic doctors can offer.

My own favorite healer is Ebuhuel from the book Angels of Omnipotence by Jared Tempest. The book The Phoenix Protocol by August Dunning explains the science and rationales behind therapeutic dry fasting.