Depression and hives

So I’ve herd this month is gonna be rough and I kinda randomly have been really depressed and it’s like hard to explain Bcs I don’t know what it’s about I was so depressed today I broke out in hives alittle
I’ve legitimately never been depressed like this I am a Pisces I haven’t really done any spiritual work in awhile so I turned here idk I’m
Kinda just scared

I got that once, I am a Pisces as well, I always live happy, and I know even in the hardest of times I am happy, so I can get terrible anger or sadness, but I know in the end I will be all right…
the thing is once I felt really horrible on depression, like cold on my soul, I just did some insight on me to know where did it came from, I realize it was from a guy I knew, I just have the most terrible conversations with him on mi mind, telling him how wrongly he did, finally I felt worm again…

so sometimes this feelings can have its source elsewhere, you just need to dig deep in yourself and do something about it, even imaginary.

also, I would reccomend you to translate this: