Demons Possession & inherent vices

working with the demonic I noticed a trend amongst them they all love earthly pleasures and embracing the flesh… most of the demons who were fallen angels such as Azazel and Mammon got kicked out of heaven for their addictions to earthly treasures Azazel for his lust of feminine beauty and Mammon for his love of gold silver and earth bond materials and treasure… both demons have told me to embrace the flesh and focus on earthly gain such as money and sex… I now see why catholics say demons are earth bound when I worked with Azazel I had cravings for soda like root beer and coke with Mammon and Beelzebub I get cravings for smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol… I bought some American Spirits and smoked three in a row and bought a can of margarita sipping on it right now… the satisfying burn of both nicotine and alcohol are greatly pleasurable…

I also sense the demons are possessing my body so they can taste and smell these earthly pleasures…

just thought I’d point this out…

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these bad boys are what I smoke American Spirits and good old Lucky Strike…

