Demons of magick

Hello friends

Can anyone help me out with 2 ritual of demons of magick because it’s quite confusing. Those whose use this ritual before could please give me brief summery how did they do it. Or any reference

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If you mean Ritual 2: Connective Evocation, then:

Do the Core Ritual up until the point just before the Evocation Keys.

Chant the Word of Power for approximately 5 minutes, or until you feel a shift in your consciousness.

Then continue with the Core Ritual up until the point where you speak the demon’s name.

Gaze at the seal and know that through it, you are connecting with the demon. Say out loud “(demon’s name) Know me.” Wait.

If you feel a shift or a presence, state your request and talk with the demon. If you don’t feel anything, continue chanting the demons name until you feel something that will signal that you have connected with the demon. Then state your request.


make personal notes to walk upon the ritual.over time you ll remember it.