Demonic Hymns and Praise

In most churches, there is “praise and worship” or gospel music.

So, where is the priaise and honor music for demons?




Praising and honouring demons sounds like edging into daemonolatry, which not many on BALG are into. It sounds like fun, but I reckon the whole equal-standing ‘we’re all gods’ approach works better.

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I would say it is, without it being defined as being “daemonolatry”. Worship means a lot of things. Any offer you give to spirits can be seen as an act of worship, but we rather call it “respect” or “courtesy”, because some of us compare worshipping as something “exclusively” to monoteistic religions. I disagree about that, because the amount of worship a spirit can give to humans are even more evident the deeper the relationship becomes.


Spirits can be incredibly generous, absolutely agree. I adore the spirits I’ve become close to and cherish the bond we have.

However, while I like the way the term “diabolatry” rolls off the tongue, I would hesitate to even call things like giving praise and offerings/gifts “worship”…

When I tell people how much I love them and how much they mean to me and tell them what I admire about them, is that worship?

When I give my friends gifts to show them they are important to me, or to show them thanks for doing me a favor, is that worship? Of course not. So why would all that be considered worship in the context of interactions with spirits?

Sure, praising a spirit through hymns and chants is not how we praise a human, but neither is praising a pet or child how we praise adults. Different contexts, different actions, same basic premise… When we praise children, are we worshipping them? Of course not.

In my mind, worship means prostrating oneself in blind devotion to a spirit (or person) surrendering one’s individual freedom and/or will, and accentuating some kind of hierarchical relationship wherein the object of worship is held to be deserving of more respect than the worshipper


I respectfully disagree, because worship, in my experience, can be divided on both ways. Worship can be sacrificial, devotional and compromised. It’s just like describing a good and healthy relationship, isn’t it? As long as both parties do this, there’s no need to dogmatize the word “worship”.

That’s because religion demands worship of the one “God”, without giving anything back to the one worshipping it. What if I say that Lilith and my succubus spouse treated me exactly in the same way you described the meaning of the word? The difference is that there’s no “blind devotion” or hierarchical differences to it.

Any kind of healthy relationship needs to be rid of the ego. There’s sacrifices and compromises made to be with one another. There’s love, devotion, praise and tolerance. It’s very similar to “worship” in so many ways that it can’t be ignored.

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Then, in my mind, it’s not worship. Its a healthy relationship, like you said.


I think all of us praise and honour the Demons we work with, that’s why we have the Member's Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!
I praise. I honour. I don’t worship. And I don’t kneel. Ever.

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The dictionary disagrees with your own definition of “worship”. There’s an issue with religious worship versus personal and equal worship, and you rather dogmatize it than seeing it for what it actually means, hence why I disagree on this topic.

I understand what you’re saying, but most native anglophones don’t use “worship” outside of a hierarchical context. The way you use “worship” is archaic.

Plus, that dictionary (which is only one of many, and not THE ONE TRUE dictionary) has a grammatical error in the first definition of the word, so I have to give them the side-eye… It should be “revere” instead of “reverence”


Just like the way we summon and evoke spirits, is also archaic, and most methods we use when doing rituals and ceremonies. Why does the word “worship” have to come with a negative connotation? Because you oppose religious monoteism, even if it has nothing at all to do with it?

What exactly is outdated about working with spirits??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Speak for yourself lol. You don’t know how I practice.

“show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.”

This does not necessarily mean to be a slavish sheep.

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Don’t get defensive.

The problem I have with the word worship is that it implies a categorical difference between “god” and “human”.

In truth, we are gods, we already have control and command over the energy currents.

However, the difference is mainly in years, power, knowledge, experience, and dominion.

“Archaic” means “very old” or “old fashioned”, which many methods of summoning spirits are, just as many rituals and ceremonies we use to this day.

Except, among native anglophones, the vast majority of whom are raised in predominantly christian societies, it is very much to do with hierarchical religious devotion… Nobody uses “worship” like you are using it. I’m not telling you not to use the word that way, in fact I think it’s great that the outdated meaning of the word works for you because of the beautiful dynamic that is implied between you and your two partners. All I’m saying is that very few people use the word like you do, so, in my mind, the word, in context of its modern usage, doesnt apply to non-hierchical relationships .

Yeah I misinterpreted what you meant. My bad. My point still stands though, and tbh I’ve moved away from the restrictions of traditional ceremonial magick…

In fact just the other day when I was being pushed on a stretcher down the hallways at a hospital, I was doing ritual in my head, chanting under my breath, and I finished by the time we got to the elevator… When inside, I opened my eyes and on the ceiling of the elevator I saw an unmistakable synchronicity staring right back at me…

So yeah, that’s how i get most of my magick done these days and I’ve never had more ease manifesting results

also, if im not mistaken, merriam-webster promotes descriptivism over prescriptivism anyway, so dictionaries in and of themselves, in their eyes, are rather archaic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: