Hey! I am going to summon Bune and Amon. I have finally book by Rev. Cain… ars Diabolica. what offerings do they like? I have incence. Soda pepsi (if they like sugerish things) wine. Peppermint shots. Idk what else I can give… oh! And candles. And a what spirit can protect me from external and internal arguments and fighting? Do you recommend any that can protect me and what does he/she/both like?
Incense associated with Amon is Jasmine, so you can offer him Jasmine incense or you can offer wine because he’s associated with Water element.
As for Bune, Incense associated with him is sandalwood. Or you can offer him bread & salt as he is Associated with Earth element.
I don’t have bread. But I have wine and I don’t know if I have those specific incence. But I have salt.
Then just go for Wine for Amon and salt for Bune. Whatever offerings you give to the Demonic Divine with love and gratitude all is acceptable.
True. You might be right. I am not rich but I don’t want to do poor offerings. Even though I can’t do about it
This sounds like your first time. Is that so?
Not really first try. But successful might be.why do you ask?
Just curious nothing. Good luck my friend.
Thank you.
Part of the process is taking the time to procure the offering… I’ve seen my magic start to work from the moment I started to get the offering in place, often days before.
I remember one time when I was first starting, I was planning to offer blood to a particular demon… and I’m a sissy when it comes to cutting myself, so I went to a drug store to get a diabetic lance.
Right after I got the lance, I got an email saying that the change I was looking for had begun.
They ALL like honor in some way too. That’s usually free.
Wow! That is fucking amazing. What demon was it? If i may ask. Was it with money? I can’t barely cut myself with my altar knife. It’s little dull.