Delurking and introductions

Greetings, all. I have been a lurker on this board for quite some time and have been continually impressed with the quality of discussions that I have read, and I think it’s time that I joined in the fray. I’m an old magician, having trod the left hand path for over twenty years. I specialize in talismanic/sigil magick, vampirism, as well as the “philosophical” aspects of magick. E.A.'s books came on my radar about eight years ago, and I managed to get several of his books when they were published by IXAXAAR. I have picked up his newer works as well in the interim. His work has been the clearest instruction on magick I have seen, and I have seen a lot. It’s a pleasure to be among you. I look forward to learning from all of you.

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Welcome aboard!!


A fellow vampire!

Welcome, brother!

Hello, and Thanks.



Welcome, I look forward to hearing more from you!
