Deleting topic

Legally not okay @anon96217651, not morally. I do not moderate from “morality” and the rules are not about that, either.

BALG have been hit with at least one DMCA over simply having some text from another site copied here. Millions of page views a month mean people do tend to jump on any potential infringement pdq.

If I only moderated this forum from my personal morals, it would look very different.


I am not calling you out. You are merely an enforcer of the rules. Now that you have made it clear that it is a “legal” issue I understand.


Unironically, I am only obeying orders.

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You know what wold be nice? If people could stick to the topic of magik and maybe do thier own work instead of thinking they even have to rely on authors.

Everything you need is free on youtube. For $7 you can get a book that literally tells you everything you need to know, and I don’t think that’s a lot to save up for an invest when it provides years of work and pointers to everything you can get free online.

How about get a modicum of independence and go find what they want in the many places its available, instead of whining that this forum doesn’t provide them with everything free.

Black magickians can’t afford to act like spoon-fed babies, not if they’re serious about thier work.

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I am aware of that, and you do an efficient job. I believe it would be more accurate to say that I am calling Timothy out on his contradictions when I use the designation, “forum”, not you.


Excuse you, but I’m a red eyes black dragon not a black magician

Legit question, personal biases aside, you seem like you would have more in common with the ONA than most people here, so why don’t you hang around those groups instead of looking for things to complain about here?


Simmer down, child. I was not whining about anything. I was firstly trying to start a philosophical discussion and secondly, pointing out the contradictions of the rule-maker before I was informed that it was on “legal” grounds and not philosophical.


I have to defend him there: his old forum profile motto used to be “He who owns the gold makes the rules” or words to that effect, in this case his business forum he co-owns and pays for out of pocket does not need the legal quagmire of having people thinking piracy is okay, or seeing piracy “chat” (for want of a better description) and thinking that means it’s permitted, as it is on some other forums.

He’s not out of integrity there wanting to keep his cyber-property free of potentially irksome legal issues.

Closing this because this is just old beefs being hashed out now, cut it out.

I was willing to answer the questions asked and hopefully everyone is clear now on what happened to the older topic, and why.