Deeper Internet

Linux is great because you can use code line and a program for installing other programs like fire fox tor video players etc without going on the internet also installeed a program that got rid of spam and shit like that on Linux it took like an hour for it to repair the software but was pretty cool

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Lol,dude I am on linux now

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I’m on an android phone you can also root android phones aka hack them and make them better use apps like fdroid for getting hacker based apps like new pipe an app for YouTube with no adds etc

I know about rooting phones,I was learning programming and hacking before I figured it wasn’t for me but I can’t root my phone with most apps like KIng Root so I have to install a program called , ,Odin’’ on computer to install Super SU on the phone so since I am lazy,I never done it…When I get a new phone I will do it but now rooting will take long time and I am lazy so…

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ever riced Linux so you can customize it and make it look more hacker friendly /g/ on 4chan is a good forum for hacking shit

I am not into hacking stuff so much anymore,I was before but now I don’t like it so much as before.I am more into chemistry now.Chemistry seems hard but for me it’s a lot of fun

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also before BALG hack forums was another forum I was active on

hacking is only cool if you like showing off to the other elite hackers for brownie points

also occult and magick is like hacking but for the spirit and life

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Yeah,hacking and programming used to be the things I was completely interested in but now,I don’t feel like it’s for me…Also,when I first got into magick,and I am not kidding,my goal was to become immortal and I thought I was going to become crazy rich and have all the best education and than…I realized that education was important but I could get myself a job anyways so it didn’t have to be the best,and that becoming immortal in the physical body was useless and wouldn’t be the greatest thing ever