DARK SELF ~ Exercise From Azazel

Umm, first comment ever here. Just wanted to know if I can make contact with my dark self and my HGA?

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So i did this exercise and i came face to face with a dark figure completely black that then manifested into a mirror image of myself but with black eyes and sort of smoke or flame around him. He spoke to me and gave me advice which i will keep to myself its best that way for me i feel better after doing this simple excersize thank you eva

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by higherself u mean godself?
anyways i did and i saw my self as this:image
tonight i will try communicate with it its so cool!


I have something like this, but more… epic.Darkself


If you mean me, no - everyone and every living thing has a Higher Self, or at least, if you use the core shamanism paradigm they do. But not everyone has a godself, as in, aspect of the self with godlike powers that is willing and able to influence things in this world on conscious request.


the dna helix / Azazel sigil thing came up in a talk I went to on DMT and discarnate entities this week. He links Azazel with the tibetan god Za who appears to many who take DMT as a swirling entity covered in eyes.



That 6 month thing is no longer valid, hasn’t been for the past 20 years as now masters are allowed to teach people how to , although don’t know about the dark side from your perspective but for me there is no yin yang… it is All me! I know myself and nobody is one or the other, it depends which is more dominant, imho, due to ego issues or orientation from childhood etc… Funny, never knew about the limitations being taken off until about 3-4 yrs ago myself. Who knew?! :boom:

I saw the eye od Sauron and an astronaut when I did this

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Just tried this and saw nothing, though I do feel something. I guess I’ll try this multiple times.

I recently started this again and I added along turning anti clockwise i turned my hand that was holding the wrist anticlockwise too, the energies shifted almost instantly, going to continue and report if I find anything interesting again.


You turned your wrist anti clockwise while moving?
Interesting :smiley:

Yeah two things:

  1. Turning my body anti clockwise while turning the wrist
  2. Convoluted af I know but, Turned both hands anti clockwise which is confusing

What’s a LHP?



Oh, gotcha.thanks👍!

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Maybe something similar for contact HGA?

I would also like to know this, can you please pm me too? :point_right::point_left:

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@Lady_Eva Can you PM me the method too.

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What are we supposed to turn the left wrist or right hand, I am just confused.
I am definetly gonna try this.