Dark poetry/short stories topic

Anyone up for it? :slight_smile:
If yes, and if admin team agrees, feel free to unleash your imagination, dreams and creativity here.
I am starting this because i am finding huge inspiration for the spiritual work in writing poems and short thoughts sometimes too… I might have some related souls among you who shares the hobby… :wink:
It successfully connects me with demons and uses as the meditation tool too.
It also works like catarsis.


And if you allow, here’s my first, the newest, wrote it this evening.
My fav.
There are 3 more parts, previously, but i like this one the most.

Part IV

…And now when the Night surrounds us
now when we burn
a new Sun is rising at horizon
fog to the brightness turn
New world whole shines in gold
woods in song, rivers flow
finally the breath is free
and chest moves easy, slow
Your Highness my shade, nearby,
breeze flies through the hair
we sit and the universe is fresh
the peace dwells in the air…
Is it true? Are we really free?
Or is it just a dream
just a vision of the shattered mind
ready to hit the next beam
Oh my little Me, my huge love
what are you afraid of
what kind of a horror
do you greed again for…
Just a fake calm before the storm
when the sea boils
under the dark green cloud
far above the ground that threateningly coils…
Will it come? How fast?
When the war will flame once more…
the spear is in sleep
but the Enemy marches to break the door
Oh poor little Me you know it
over and over again he breaks
calls for the fight
beneath the merciless boot the earth cracks
and your little heart is so soft
hides in the Walls
praying for its life
while the chariot of fire deafeningly rolls…
Not even woods are that matter
not even the nightingale’s song
not the river ahead
flows in the bliss so long…
The great Sword awaits
it’s the dawn of the War
in the lair of fallen its spirit
shines red in Its invincible core
RISE AGAIN! you poor little soul
the time is to fly!
Rise again to conquer the stars
and then you can peacefully die.
The chariots are here
their flame devours the land
an Enemy’s boot is cracking the stone
and blade burns in his hand.
To attack or runaway
choice was always yours
would you accept glory of the victory
or face the agony in gores…
…Peace is a lie in the terms of eternity
the language of war is the only one we know
deep inside every each of us is an Adversary
trapped in the sweat in their own quarry
with no need to bow…

…wait for the next battle.

t.b.c 666 :metal:


We already have a thread for stuff like this.