Dantalion- possible communication?

Hi all, thank you for reading.

So, Dantalion…I have only worked with two spirits, being Stolas for my geological and nature hobby interests and Azazel who I pray to for literally everything. Prior I had never looked at Dantalion twice. I recently quit my job to focus fulltime on my artwork and this endeavor has been heavily on my mind. I prayed to Azazel for guidance. Within a few days I awoke one morning thinking the name Dantalion repeatedly in my mind “DantalionDantalionDantalionDantalion”, nonstop, it was uncanny and absolutely random. Like I said, I had no prior interest in this Spirit.

I am wondering if I should take this as a sign that Azazel has answered my request for an art muse?

Thank you kindly for your insight!
Respectfully :black_heart:


I think dantalion is calling out to you. Because maybe he wants to help you on your journey with your artwork and etc!!


Once in August 2016 I was visiting a friend and while lying on the couch to sleep I was softly forced unrecognizable to repeat fast the name ‘Barbatos’ in my mind. Suddenly Barbatos shouted at me in German: “Say this again!”
Short time after or before he showed himself to me sitting on this couch in full pride.
I needed that contact to that time for personal problems.


Dantalion is, among other things, great with art matters, there’s a full topic on him here on Balg where that is described :slight_smile:

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This is something I didn’t k ow I wrote a book for him I’m almost done with the has him stepping out of a beautiful painting of himself into the human realm had no idea he actually did like art lol but he is a wonderful joy to work with in any aspect


I think it is said somewhere on the link I posted below that Dantalion is fond of arts, because of his sensible yet sensitive nature


I just found it very funny cause I didn’t know that when i came up with idea to my book

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I found the post i posted the first chap of it a while ago if you want to see why i find it funny lol

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I would say definitely.
Dantalion is connected to art, grace, inner beauty and inspires to create and to feel that is often very different and deep. I am into art myself either, and with his presence my perception becomes much more sensitive and the feelings are completely new and beyond the basic consciousness. It’s really impossible to describe how his influence feels like - except that, you start to understand what his words “causing love towards the spring” might mean lol. That’s really deep and his being makes you feel like you fell in love with the world and existence again. That’s definitely his the purest and the most beautiful side, people can even imagine.

I would suggest to check him out but I’m almost sure that’s a real calling from him and he will be your muse either haha.


I don’t know how to quote previously posts. But I wanted to tha k you CalebRose for that thread you wrote on Dantalion. I literally came across it weeks ago and copy and pasted it into my notes. Very insightful. Thank you for taking the time to write it.