Dantalion invocation

Good night brothers and sisters Magicians,Tonight i gonna work with Dantalion, in wich direction should i face it?
thank you in advance.

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Traditionally, you would face either East or South.

Thank you!!!

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What quality of his do you plan to invoke?

My girlfriend and I have been going through difficulties this year, i want to clear the way because her feel disconnected, we love each other but I want to ask for his help in matters of love, Father Lucifer showed me the way.

Gotcha I usually evoke for stuff like that.


When I read this I felt deeply identified, I am also Pisces and I also feel very connected to many of his qualities and attributes, if he accepts my request I would like to have a deeper connection with him, I really would like him to teach me many of his skills, I think that we can empathize very well.

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He is an awesome entity to work with. You’ll enjoy your experience. He’s in my top 10.

Thank you, its my first time trying to work with he, any tips?

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You can get his pathworking for free here: I love this audio so much.


NIce, Thank you again.


let me know how it goes …

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