Dantalion helped me to infuence a few people

This post is about how I get new job and also a thanking post to Dantalion and is not directly related to money, it is more related with influencing others to get what I want.

I used some chaos magic to get 5 job interviews in roughly one month. After that I contacted Dantalion to influence job givers. He did that and in the end it was up to me which job to take, because I was accepted in all of the jobs.

Dantalion also helped me to influence my past employer, to whom I need to return a fellowship in the amount of 4000 €. Now the amount is 1600 €.

I will still work with Dantalion on some other projects.


Nice result, congratulations! :slight_smile:

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Dantalion helped me again. He helped me to come in some hard to get organization via email, but unfortunately this organization was corrupt and wasn’t to my taste. But agreement was to get in and not his opinion if it is wise to get in.

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