Dammit Mercury 😂

I also would like to know how to avoid it.
I’ve been mean and sassy, so I’ll closely follow this thread. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Sassy is sexy♥️♥️😍

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Banish it. You can redesign some of the banishing rituals on the forum to target mercury or you can use the golden dawn methods of the lesser banishing ritual of the hexagram.




Banish a planet😶

Lol yes can banish a planets influence. Same as elements and entities.


I just posted this…


Just a question regarding Mercury retrograde, I have read that workings done during this period don’t work. Now my question is do the workings not actually work at all or are they just delayed until the end of the retrograde? Say if you did a working for more income from your job (I’m not using the example of a love spell, shocking I know :rofl:) could it mean for a while there is uncertainty whether you keep your job due to cutbacks and then as the retrograde is finishing, you find out your ok, then as it goes back to normal you get a pay raise, then an unexpected bonus then a promotion on top of it all. Kind of like if you had a video on pause then pressed ffwd it moves one frame, press it again 2, etc etc until you press play and it appears to go at double speed for a fraction of a second

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Its possible, the archetype for mercury retrogrades is the trickster. Which makes sense when you consider how unstable magick gets for some people during them. I tend to banish the influence cause things can get a bit wonky during um. Communication and tech issues are common same with travel or business plans going in weird directions.


I just wondered. Like if you didn’t know and were getting frustrated and were doing these things to get something to happen and it was during the start of the retrograde then when it finished would you have a massive amount of stuff coming at you because it’s like the universal pause button for magik

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Could be, too, that the retrograde Mercury theory is amply boosted by the placebo effect. In other words, if you’re unaware of the concept you may not be nearly as negatively influenced as if you’re fully aware of it, reading into every little miscommunication that you experience, and bringing that worried energy as fuel for the thoughtform.


You can perform plenty of works during the retrograde.

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It’s spring in the northern hemisphere, people get hornier and that leads to raised energy, and competitiveness as well… :kiss:


I appreciate you.

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Only 5 days left in the retrograde though :slight_smile:


Make lemonade man you can’t fight these big waves cuz. You gotta go with the flow.


Unless you know how to banish really well and have my project.


mercury retrograde for me is not bull shit!
everytime i plan something and it is delayed, i look at the planet calender and it is mercury retrograde, i hate it!
hopefully when it stops my plan goes back to normal and are not cancelled at all…


If it affects you, you HAVE to get it in your calendar, trust me on this I note things for the next 3 months in my own that I have noticed affect me:

Table of Mercury Retrograde Dates to Year 2030

A simple highlighter or pencil line on a $3 calendar, filled out every few months - BAM you’re back in the driving seat! :muscle:


thanks!!! but then… does it cancel my spells or just delayed them?