Daemon correspondences

I’ve been looking around for the goetic daemons correspondences with tarot cards, (I’m trying to illustrate my own deck)
But I keep finding some cards that are different between sites. To help with not having to look through every single card to see if I think they match up (especially since I’m not familiar with every single daemon out there) is there any sites or anything that has really accurate corresponding tarot for them?

Demonsanddemonolatry has tarot associations listed for the demons on their site, but I can’t speak for the reliability.

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Alright thanks, I’ll check it out

Hmm. Found these on Aecletic’s tarotforum back when it was still operating and been using the GD list here ever since. However, they usually have two spirits corresponding to one card.

You could always try meditating/calling on them to ask how they prefer to be depicted. Some don’t even need to be called. They sense when you’re working on something about/related to them and give you random nudges here and there for a start. :slight_smile:


wow, thank you very much! this is quite helpful indeed

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You’re welcome! :green_heart: