Cutting My Teeth & Life's Essentials

I cut my teeth on Paradigm Magick and Sigilisation. There’s a lot of Paradigm Magick happening right now: Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Channel! I loathe these experienced bastards, but I also recognise Magickal greatness when I see and experience it.
So, I doff my hat! Forced to.

Where I am there’s storm and flood warnings and rain is predicted for the next two weeks. This merely adds to the heavy, almost constant rains we’ve had for at least a week or so. There’ll be flooding in surrounding areas and I may lose electricity - again. This set me to thinking just how fortunate I am. I have a stock of choice pipe tobaccos, pipes, matches, Zippo fluid, flints and wicks, plus dark rums. Dark rum has an affinity with foreboding, torrential weather. Dark rum also has an affinity with tobacco.

So, I’m hunkered down with all the essentials: pot-brewed tea, cold-brewed coffee, some cigars, heaps of nasal snuff and oral tobaccos. But if I lose electricity or sooner than later, it’ll be dark rum. A gentle smoke and a quiet, sipping drink - just what the doctor ordered. The heavy rain is due to start in less than an hour and pour down for twenty hours – straight – followed by weeks of near constant rain. I’ve got enough to see me through though.
And I’ll have a little time on my hands.



We’re in the same boat, brother. Or should I say the same ark, given the biblical-level floods up in my neck of the woods.

Although reading this makes me regret not buying cigarettes and spiced rum when I went out today. Goon and nicotine salt vapes don’t hit quite the same.

Here’s hoping you don’t lose power (nor I) over the next few days.

Stay safe mate

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