Cutting energetic or soul ties to previous relationships

Things have been going good with a girl I’ve met and she wants to cut energetic or soul ties to any other previous relationships so that it doesn’t affect us and shes asking me for help

You guys have any advice for what I should tell her? I know the basic cord cutting which I have recommended. But are there any other things/energy techniques you would recommend for this situation?

or anything in general to protect/enhance the relationship and set it up for a good start would be appreciated


Search cord cutting in the search bar.

Well, I already did something similar in my case, I did the lesser pentagram ritual with her next to me, then I asked Namah to cut off all the past with other guys in an energetic way, but today, more maturely, I learned that this doesn’t need magic to letting go is maturity on her part because if she needs something external or magical to do this it is a sign of insecurity and she needs something greater than her will to forget a guy…

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