Custom Spirit Board Design, Feel Free to Use

I made a custom spirit board design. Please feel free to download and use.


Top Center: “BAPHOMET” spelled in the Alphabet of The Magi

Left Center: Symbol for the Horned God, with custom sigil design

Right Center: Solomon’s Seal inside Goddess Symbol


Hmm… It may be a dumb question because I could just print it out. :thinking:
But do you think it would be possible to use this through an electronic/phone for that matter.


I printed it out and used it as a template to burn onto a pine plank. It did not turn out perfect because it was my first time burning a template onto wood, but the finished product did look nice. Honestly, it is the intent one brings with them, and simply printing it out should work fine. I hope you like it and please share your experiences with me.


Nice work!
If you want to invite and communicate with random spirits, go for it. I use a consecrated Seal of the entity I’m after, generally under the board. That and a crystal pendulum. Good luck.


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I love it! I have no doubt at all that what you made here will serve you better than any other you could buy. Nice crafting.

You might even want to consider marketing them.


Thank you for the compliment. I feel as though any magickal tool made with one’s hands becomes far more effective than simply buying the tool, for the connection the magician makes with them helps in producing nice results. Just by walking around in the woods behind my house I have found some great tools.

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yeah i agree there could definitely be some prophets to be made here @balkan

My passion is showing others how to access their true potential and how to fulfill the laws of the universe we live in. I hope many use this design and share their results with me, and maybe if I never making money pursuing my passion then I would be ok with that