Cursing your job

How can i curse a company to put them out of business?


Boost a rival companies’ marketing campaign.

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What about putting them in financial ruin there already close? Can you do a whole company or just a specific person?

You may want to read this article on Lanchester Strategy.

The forum already has a great deal of posts regarding cursing a company that can found by using the search function.

I wouldn’t expect to achieve great results by doing such a thing :confused:

i rather curse them to hire me due to the crazy pandemic shutdown. haha.

I would think cursing a person is the same as a company as a company has a name to identify it already. Some people target the owner or the ceo’s or top management team as they are the one running the company. That’s another approach. If the ones that run it gets affected negatively by a curse, it will affect company by their poor decisions…

If you take out the head guy , there will be no moral or leadership of where the company will focus on. Imagine taking out steve jobs before he created iphone or ipad. Then the company won’t flourish and it would be another company that flourish that isnt’ apple.

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Sorry Charlie, but it isn’t how it works. Steve Jobs has been out of the Apple picture for nearly 10 years and Apple right now has more cash on hand than the US Treasury. 1 2 3


hypothetically my friend, if you go back in time and did curses during that time. things might be different. the iphone and ipad was what made it go on the map.

Not talking about now. duh! timing matters too. especially when they were vulnerable. if someone did curse for him to not be back at apple , it would be different. Cuz he left for some time being force out in 1985. Until later he become ceo after apple bought NeXT which he created after being outsted.

Pertaining to the thread, the question should be attacking the company or the individual in the company? cuz attacking the company affects all the workers. If it’s individual then it might not affect all workers if that individual isn’t top position owner.

Look into the use of “cut-ups” (also called Playback). It’s a Chaos Magick technique, popularised by William S, Bouroughs, who used it to put a restaurant that was rude to him out of business.


Is that the author William Burroughs?

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The one and only.

Unbelievable- I’m an English Lit. teacher and started on this path due to my love of Yeats-
now Burroughs too? Just keeps getting better! Thanks for this…

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You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Burroughs was one of the earliest proponents of Chaos Magick. How else does someone come up with something like Naked Lunch? lol


Demon Haures will take away success from a business

Naked Lunch – brilliant novel! I think the technique is used again in Junky.