
I’m posting this question in both Voodoo and Necromancy sections because I think it would apply to either. I have a curse involving a poppet and small coffin that I have to bury at either a crossroads or in a cemetery. I live in the city so a crossroads won’t do. Plus I intuitively feel it should be a cemetery.

For those of you who have done cemetery rituals, how could I do this? I feel like the daytime is inconspicuous for digging and at night the cemeteries are locked up.


Leave it in a cemetery trash can in a paper bag.


Oooh. One of my first thoughts was just throwing the poppet in the trash, not a cemetery one but just a regular trashcan. Now that I’m seeing this response I’ll take it as a sign to follow through on that impulse. Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:


Is this a Voodoo curse?


It is indeed. Or some form of that. It’s from here: - YouTube


Take a drive out somewhere. Smaller cemeteries you can sometimes plant flowers at. Would be interested to hear that curse


Remember many years ago cemeteries were much different than they are now. What’s important is the energy of the area. Like @FraterMagni said, paper bag and trash can.


Yeah I figured it was just a two-fold thing. Like one, burying/trashing them is removing them from my life and from existence. But two, it’s an offering to whatever Voodoo spirits hang out at the cemeteries. I thought that second part was important, but I don’t know too much about Voodoo. Going off what I’ve picked up so far, I just try to follow instructions to the letter and then just listen to my intuition for further instructions.

But I really want to get into this current! It seems like a form of magick that’s just way too powerful to pass up :open_mouth:


This is perfect. I have some remnants in my pocket that I have to bring to the cemetery. Will be there on my lunch break :smiling_imp:

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Bring a flower or potted plant. Nobody will think anything of it, and depending on the plant it could actually enhance your spell.

I would just use caution if you are going to do it on an actual grave; you might piss someone off.

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Wouldn’t this get collected by the trash department and taken out of the cemetery though?


Someone living OR dead

Can’t have any interference for this working :smiling_imp:

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I meant dead. A living person would likely just think it was someone planting flowers on a family members grave.

Lol i just buried mine. No one was around


if its small enough you can kick the dirt around and then cover it- I put it under rocks around the grave.

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It was perfect bc ita wax remnant, and I found a big pile of dirt. If you look you can see it. I stuffed the wax inside which i am pretty sure they will use that dirt. If not it will soak up with the rain.


Now THAT is genius. Let the diggers do the work, lol.


Yea when I didnt have the means to bury and burn, i used to throw things in the trashing knowing that It will be buried far away never to be recovered or will be burned in flames. The waste guys have sealed a ton of my workings :rofl::+1:

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From what i saw in the voudan course you call upon a certain loa and bury the effigy in a box and bury it anywhere but your back yard. The rule of thumb was anywhere but your home when your exorcising something or someone from your life

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This is very helpful, thanks