Curse for narcissistic guy at work

I will look into what I can do. I am really grateful for the lovely ideas here. I am going to use them all and then some more. :slightly_smiling_face:

You’re welcome.:grin:

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I like the idea of the mirror spell. I use them a lot. Actually, I have a glass scorer and cut my own and make a box. Yes! An entire mirrored box. Whomever I’ve put in one hasn’t stood a chance. I bind it up well, too. Any negative energy they send out just rebounds and entangles them. Use your imagination on outer bindings (it’s cathartic for you) my fav is a simple black ribbon with a fishhook - so anytime the target tries to help themself. By unhexing, uncursing, new protection etc. it hooks them back and can’t escape the box. Like an insurance plan. Lol!! I’m sure with any demon/s and a good curse you’re going to get the desired result. Good luck. Sorry you’re going through this. :black_heart:


Thank you my darling xx that’s traditional hoodoo. I like your idea about the hook and the ribbon. Do you do a voodoo doll to do that? Or can you use their name in a paper and bind them?


I like to print out their photo- easy to find these days in social media. And I start by crossing/blackening their eyes. Make them blind to what you’re doing. Make them unable to see past their own petty ego. Then I mark over their mouth like stitches and each one I chant what is happening to them verbally. IE; he sounds like a womanizing douche- so I’d add something to the effect that all women find his conversation disgusting or offensive. That all his ideas come off ignorant. That any pleas for help are silenced. Etc. I write all over what is going to happen to them personally, publicly (if you’re looking for humiliation) emotionally (manipulate him the same he did to you) if you have access to certain herbs. Asofoteta is a good one. :smiling_imp::smiling_imp: pour your depression, anger, rage into it before you seal the box. It can be draining. But oh so satisfying too. :blush:


That’s powerful stuff there. I absolutely love it!! I will definitely buy a printer now lol xx thank you :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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I would suggest hiring a lawyer. His behavior is highly illegal and you can sue the company and get a large pay out. Seriously, get a lawyer, you can win this case.


I have some isdues at work lately peopls stealing my stuff, not cameras etc. We knw who stealing but mobody snitch and not peove, i call pazuzu put theirs puctures feathers, cementary dirt, gifer dust snd a squeleton jar, and invoqe him bury jar, evwry week im calling difent spirts to get the same goal. Teach a goid lesson i was going to put a trap but if some inocent person by mistake touch muy stuff she be covered in some bad atuff or legally issue’s, but conjure invoqe, diferent spirts and same goal.

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I dont have the money to pursue something like that. Plus I can’t prove anything. In theory it could work but in reality it cannot.

I never called Pazuzu. I am following though the same principle with other spirits

Having a narcissistic sister, I can completely relate to your rage. But asking for one of these pricks to feel guilt probably isn’t going to happen. They don’t have that capability. But they can feel pain. Hehehehe… :wink:

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That’s true. This is why I am not putting guilt spells on him. I want to lower his ego and eliminate his chances of finding a girl. I want to take away his power. And his power comes from his good looks. He has no game. He just can get away with things.
If he was some ugly guy who couldn’t attract anyone then noone would pay attention to him.

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Ladyserina. It cost you 15 mnts on search tru forum. Mostly candles and incense, lppk adapt try retest. Job done.

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I have to do it. I am out of energy atm

you can sue him for defamation and harassment. At the least, threaten him with it so he stops. Or maybe not and keep it a secret until you gather evidence. That way he won’t go on defense mode making up lies that you the one harassing him… mess him up mundane ways. that will show him and humble him. YOu can do the baneful magick on the side. Mundane life getting mess up is where it will hurt him. Lawsuit. gather evidence. Don’t say it won’t work until you try. that’s why lots of rape cases are not reported cuz the victim says it won’t work. Sometimes you have to fight back, but do it smartly.

some lawyers will do pro bono and only get paid if win. Some government lawyers are available for free when it comes to harassment. I guess you have to research it since you say your in small town.

It don’t hurt to get multiple advice /consult with lawyer to see if you got a case.

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Attacking a narcissist’s ego is extremely difficult, mostly because that’s their entire identity. However, at their core, they’re extremely insecure, so if there’s a way to attack their core, that may work.

What I’ve found that works with these people are strong bindings. Any kind of attention from you is like food to them, positive OR negative. They love nothing more than attention.

My narc sister is like that. She used to say things just to get a “rise” out of me. She had no care how hurtful, untrue, or mean it was, so long as someone reacted. This is what makes doing anything to them extremely difficult. Anything they find out you do that’s because of them is considered a “win.”

What they hate more than anything is when someone clearly considers them of no consequence. That’s hard to do since they’ll try everything they can to hook you back in to caring. I have a psychologist friend who says that she counsels people to go completely “no contact” once they find out someone is a narcissist because of how toxic they are.

I really wish you luck! And be very careful.


I ve dealt with a narcissist before. The no contact is not always possible.
You are right that they feed of the attention you give them. I need to remember the good old skills I had attained from my ex.
His ego is attacked not by me. He has failed to achieve his main dream and he is depressed.

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In my humble opinion and a bit of experience with two narcs (one friend and one ex), the best weapon against them is to ignore them, sit back and wait for Karma while do you some powerful spell to turn everything they did to you back to them. I think candle magick with strong visualization powers are very powerful tools to use