Current239devilry Introduction

Hello folks! Most people know me simply as “Current” within the left hand path community! I am an Anticosmic Satanist, Qayinite and worker in many different fields of magick that center around death and the void. I have worked to break the known boundaries of psychic vampirism and necromancy while working through the tree of death and have made many interesting discoveries through these experiences. Some of you may recognize me from my tiktok of the same username. Its great to be here!


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Current239Devilry

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of the Satanic, or Qayinite currents?

I have practiced for 6 years, my other experience is within devotion to Santa Muerte and Kronos as well as working with Shemyaza


I’m a follower of yours on TikTok, nice to see you on this platform, bro.

You are the real deal! I cannot recommend your workings enough. Much admiration and respect