Crystal Ball Readings

Hello everyone, I’d very much like to practice my crystal ball readings. I’ll be answering some questions on this thread. One question per person, please. Please attach a photo of your palm so I can give you a reading while maintaining your anonymity.

Readings are for entertainment purposes only.


I have never had a crystal ball reading done.

@jpaq87666, can you see anything about my career? I’ve been looking for a job for year and half. Job search has been semi successful.

I would love to know what you see!

Thank you! :blush:

Unfortunately I cannot see without making a connection, that’s why I need to see the palm of your hand. I’d love to do one for you, I will clear our energies afterwards.

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Sorry I totally forgot! :rofl:

I just PM’d you the pictures!

I will DM you my photo and my question. Thank you

Would love one thanks a lot

I messaged you. I will give you a tarot reading back if you wish.

Thank you, @PriestessLayla!

I think you just did a reading for me in one of your threads…

Btw, I don’t see any PM from you.

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I was meant to post rhis for the op .
I have given tou a reading on my thread already and you aaid you liked it. It wad likw yesterday or before yesterday. Haha

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Hi! I am greatly interested! Could you pm me so i can take a picture of my palm for you?

Hi everyone! I didn’t realize you could only send photos in PM! I am answering the questions this morning. Thanks for waiting.

:rofl: I figured. It gave me a notification so I wanted to clarify nonetheless.

Yes, it’s a great reading. :clap:t4:

Thank you again!


Hi, are you still doing the readings ?? Hope so, palms attached. Tbh I’m not if I should or even how to pm you. No problem if you’ve stop them, in that case, sorry to bother you.

I am still practicing my readings. What’s your question? :slight_smile:

Thanks for quick reply.
It’s money and love. Will I have either.

Yes, you will find love, in old age especially. You will experience all kinds of love, including platonic love. You will meet someone in the next five years to share a long-lasting romantic love with, and this will be the person you marry. You may not have a serious relationship before you meet this person but will have a lot of flings. As for money - everyone has money, just some people don’t have enough. You will have a lot of money when you’re older, but the way you get the money will be tragic in a sense. You will eventually have enough money to live a comfortable life, and you’ll have enough money before you have a lot of money.

Hope this helps.

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Wow that’s amazing. Thanks for taking the time to do this. Very comprehensive.
Once again thanks !

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Crystal ball readings are now closed.