Crafting Abramelin oil - blood for vegan witches

Hey guys i need for a ritual lots of blood and this abramelin oil is the only possible substitute for blood in doing witchkraft workings.

Do you guys have a recipe for crafting like 1 - 3 l of abramelin oil?

Anyways i could get fresh raw pig meat and squeeze it for blood but maybe crafting Abramelin oil is quick and easy!?

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Anyone who did this before, can share experiences here maybe?

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You can’t squeeze blood out of meat… It is red but not actually blood. If you want to use that much abramelin oil just up the ratio of the recipe. You can use a standard kitchen conversion calculator online.

A second option that I use is dragons blood ink with a few drops of my own blood.

Thirdly, what the fuck are you doing that needs liters of blood?


Magical oils are infused with ingredients. This takes time. You can’t make a jar this afternoon and use it thus evening.
I make Abramelin oil.


I imagine it could be created by infusing the ingredients used to make the incense in oil for about two to three weeks. Correct me if I am wrong @Yazata

And @Rav, the red liquid in meat from the grocery store holds only a trace amount of blood. A majority of blood is drained after the animal is slaughtered


Sure, but that’s probably not what he means with quick.

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Good point. And the essential oils method would be far too expensive, looking at the incense recipe. A half a fluid ounce of Agarwood alone goes for $400, last I look

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frozen blood block. Ready your lancets!

Bad idea, btw.

You can use your own blood and it’s vegan because you’re giving yourself permission to use your own blood, or blood from anyone who gives you their explicit permission. You can also merge consiousness with an animal to ask them for permission, and they will tell you yes or no (but I personally frown upon the practice of animal sacrifice.)

Well it looks like easy to craft it, it is explained in Wikipedia. It seems are two variants of it. Still not sure which one is the best :sweat_smile:

@UnseelieDiabolus it’s for a satanic ritual of confirmation for sabbath.

@Yazata which recipe do you use?

Myrthe, galangal and cinnamon. Powdered and then add olive oil till it just covers it. Leave it in the light of the sun and the moon, at least one entire mooncycle.
The recipe I know uses the essential oils of these ingredients in minute amounts. I figured lots of the actual herbs work just as good. Plus it is more like actually crafting an important oil this way.


A tip I learned from a friend of mine. You can actually ask your local butcher for blood. They may or may not give it to you. Also, sometimes local ethnic markets sells it frozen. It’s used in alot of Asian cuisine.

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