Could this be a sigil?

before I fell asleep in a very fast flash I received this drawing, the circle parts had emeralds does anyone have an idea what it could be?

I’m not sure what it could be, it might be personal to you (from subconscious). Question, why do you think it (?) could be a secrecy?

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sorry english is not my native language, a didn’t spell the word sigil correctly.

I never mentioned the word sigil in my reply?

I already corrected the translator writes very strange sentences

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Oh. Okay. Do you know how to scan? You could scan the image and see what sort of information you might get off of it. Scanning is a form of divination.

I don’t know how to scan.

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Here is a guide.

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Also, if you think it is a sigil, you could open it (if to a spirit) but scanning might give you more information.

I have some contacts with spirits, Tiamat, astaroth and angels like Raphael. send me insights with images in my mind.

I saw your image and I don’t even know how I knew it was yours, but I was told a few things about it.

Hmm? Oh from my art journal? What were you told?

Good! When you scan, you might get information in much the same way as when the spirits you already work with send you insights. You might get information through feelings, intuition, images, thoughts (that don’t seem like your own), etc.

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said that this image is about time, its unfolding and that it is the 4 archangels of the fixed signs tourus ,leo ,aquarius ,scorpio that make this work. are the tetramorph, corresponding to the middle 45th degree of the seasons. they tell you that:
Tetra means being or having something four times in a row. What does Morph mean?
Generally, the word is used to denote any transformation or alteration from one form to another. this is a metamorphosis that will come to you.

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I appreciate your help, sorry for the wrong words the translator is horrible.

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Oh Interesting. Hadnt thought of that.

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No worries.

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