Could my son be naturally gifted?

When my son was little (5 ish) he would see “the gray man”… he literally would stop and look a different direction. And say he saw the gray man. For years he was quiet. Early this year it was the “hat man” “shadow people” (I posted regarding this on here too). But recently it’s smells. He can smell things that he only describes as “terrible”. And it’s normally in the room he sees “shadow people”.

Is there anything specific I can do or say or ask to see what’s going on with him? I’ve never pushed him - just wondering if there is anything I can do to help him? He doesn’t seem to be afraid. But for sure it’s unusual. He is almost 12 now. Thanks !!!

There’s a lot you can do to ward off and repulse unwanted spirits. Doing so in a fundamental part of being a magickian, as doing this work or being able to see astral entries drawn them to you.

Have a browse through this thread and see if any of these options call to you: tech your son good spiritual hygiene practices that he can defend himself with.

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Thank you. I do practice some of these :slight_smile: he’s never seemed bothered or scared. He doesn’t seem to mind at all. I’m just curious if he will develop psychic abilities as he gets older. The only thing that bothers him are smells … he’s very sensitive to smell…