Correspondence Table For The Use of Alcohol in Magick


Found the above on a blog and thought I would post it here and get your comments and recommendations.

[QUOTE][B]Distilled Spirits[/B]
[ul][]Absinthe: (Air) Useful in protection work. It is especially useful for safe astral travel. Using it to draw sigils for safe travels on one’s body before leaving it can keep away nasties in the meantime.
]Gin: (Earth) Useful in spells promoting good health and is good as a binding ingredient for other alcohols’ properties. It can also be a good to use if the caster of the spell lives in poverty and this is pertinent to the spell in some way.
[]Rum: (Water) Useful in money spells or spells for gaining other material possessions. Rum can be especially useful in a spell involving an underhanded motive or intention, especially if the results leave you with more as a side effect of the spell’s main goal.
]Tequila: (Fire) Tequila is all about timing. Perfect, exact timing. It can be used in spells involving punctuality, appointments, or decision making. It can be used when something has to be done just right, as well. Never use it for something involving the past or anything about the future. Tequila is always for the present, and in this moment, as they come issues.
[]Vodka: (Fire and Water) Good for strength and courage. Lifting yourself up by the bootstraps and carrying on with what needs to be done no matter how hard it is or how tired you are. Can be used in spells involving getting through difficult times, motivation, pushing forward, finishing projects. Shit’s gotta get done? Vodka.
]Whiskey: (Water) Whiskey can be used in spells to promote change, usually when change is unwanted by someone else. It helps bypass interference and bring the change about in ways that which opposes it does not immediately notice.
[*]Brandy: (Earth) Brandy can be used in love spells, especially those for preserving pre-existing love. It can also be used for attracting a long-lasting love as opposed to a fling.[/ul]

[B]Fermented Beverages[/B]
[ul][]Beer: (Earth) Beer is used in spells involving the home, family, and the past. It can also be used in spells involving practicality vs desire.
]Cider: (Earth) Cider is used in spells for harvesting what you’ve already planted. It helps ensure that the things you’re working towards are successful and your effort is not wasted. But you must put in the effort.
[]Wine: (Earth and Air) Wine can be used in spells for health, stress relief, and blessings. It can also be used for spells involving standing on your own and independence.
]Mead: (Air) Mead can be used for spells involving inspiration, study, education, scholarly pursuits, the arts, and oratory issues. It can also be used to sweeten the temper of yourself or someone else.
[*]Sangria: (Fire) Sangria is good for happiness spells, celebrations, and anything involving good times and fun. It is also good for spells meant to broaden horizons and promote new experiences.[/ul]

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Interesting! Thanks for posting.
My use of liquor in magic is limited to feeding spirits, for which I use rum or red wine. I’m going to start using vodka for tinctures/potions when I finally get myself a working cauldron.

I Have been using whiskey for a while now in my working with Azazel. He seems to enjoy it. The list though will come in handy. Thanks.


[quote=“Icedrac, post:3, topic:5088”]I Have been using whiskey for a while now in my working with Azazel. He seems to enjoy it. The list though will come in handy. Thanks.


He seems like a Jack Daniels kinda guy