Cool as fuck


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People have been posting on the forum for years asking for t-shirts… I think it’s a great idea, modern and fresh and fun but it also really does solve the age-old problem of what a normal person’s going to wear in ritual, I have sigils (chaos-style as well as spirit seals) and bindrunes stitched into many of my clothes, it’s a cool thing to do and wearing clothing that’s contemporary (in its time) that also symbolises spirits dates right back to the dawn of magick.


It’s true. For as long as I know, the only guy doing it was some dude in the Russian Federation, via some online shit-chute. Why not have a source you can trust? At first it seemed distasteful to me, but in the end there really is not much difference between a guy in robes with a sigil pendant and a guy in one of theses tees.

Just don’t be a disrespectful twat while wearing one and things should be just fine.

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unable to edit post for some reason so i’ll just reply.
that was really in reply to the bit of the back and forth going on above it. I personally like the shirt idea, would like it more if they had zip up hoodies to be honest

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Hoodies would be cool as fuck, a hoodie makes a great ceremonial bit of gear because you can pull the hood down, and create sacred space in the darkness, without anyone really realising you’re doing more than resting your eyes. :heart_eyes_cat:


Just bought my Shirt!


Awesome !! :+1: :heart:


Going to wear it in my Bune ritual video on YouTube when I do it.


I hope you all enjoy it. This ritual to Bune is not a petition but a ritual of gratitude and I would hope that all who view it will learn something from it. You see Bune has already delivered to me and there was no formal ritual involved it was mainly me simply having telepathic conversations and friendship.
The ritual is an elaborate thank you and something I believe should be added to every magicians book of shadows.

Being in an attitude of gratitude is a far more effective way to see the universe and have it work out the way you want it to. Everyone shows gratitude for the spirit it’s effects are amplified. Why wouldn’t they be, when you do a favor and the person shows gratitude don’t you feel good about helping and know that future help will be appreciated?
Well so do spirits and this is why I have developed the gratitude ritual. The only purpose of which is to summon the spirit and show your thanks, gratitude, and love.


Just got mine too :stuck_out_tongue:

I had to go with Azazel, you already know :joy:


Nice pic I almost got that one myself but figures I would wait until I was ready to do an Azazel gratitude ritual.

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When I figure out how to get a shirt without my mom tracking my card I’ll let you all know.


Well, I can work with Azazel most anytime. … and since we have been through so much …I had to do that for him…

Belial probably be next :slight_smile:


I’d have to get lucifer first. I practically owe my life to him

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Hey, does the size run small or large? Just wondering if I should size up or not.

I don’t know I ordered mine but won’t have it til next week…

I’ll let ya know though…


Oh lol I thought that’s what you meant by you just got yours. I was gonna say, damn, that was some impressive shipping time. :laughing:

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  1. Take out however much cash you need for the shirt + shipping cost.
  2. Buy prepaid Visa gift card with cash at local Walmart.
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

Look what I got