I will possibly catch flack here for not doing by the book methods for contact. I did not do an outright evokation of one of the goetia (I’mbeing private about it, if he wanted me to announce his name outright I feel like that would have been made clear), but did repeat his enn while staring at the sigil. Applied a droplet of blood to the sigil (technically 2 of them, there were multiple variances), and laid out my problems. I felt the sensation of cool air concentrated on multiple parts of my body; my arm, face, and notably the entire region of my lower abdomen and lower reproductive organs. A request was made as to what a contract would entail, within a dream that was memorable or some kind of sign that was blatantly obvious. I can be obtuse, and I like knowing things laid out in details. The next day, my full blown period started 10 days earlier than it was supposed to. Stress can happen, I get it. I wasn’t under any more than usual, and am very regular give or take a few days. I still haven’t really received any dreams that I recall or other overt signs. Was this “payment”? I’m just looking for outsider insight. Of possible importance, the concentrated cool air sensation has been felt on other occasions before and after this. There’s nothing malicious that makes my hair stand on end or any negative energy felt from it that I can pick up. It’s pretty comfy, actually.
Thanks in advance.
@Asphidax Sounds Like you got your sign. Now i would say try to remain open and relaxed practice some meditations while thinking on the spirit and also just before sleep. Have a note pad nearby anything you see in meditations or dream record in your note pad.