I am planning to sharpen my senses to communicate with spirits and for this goal I decided to contact a spirit daily, just after my meditation routine. Well, you can call it “evocation” but I’m not really trying to see the entity physically. Just to build a relationship and hopefully to be able to communicate efficiently…Either by visions, with sounds or during dreams, ect.
But I wonder if contacting the same spirit everyday wouldn’t sound “rude” to him ?
What do you guys think about it ?
Because of our divine essence angels are basically obliged to answer us regardless of how fucked we are.
Angels don’t really care how much you call them they will keep coming.
Daemons get annoyed eventually depends on which one we are talking about really.
Exposure to Daemons will increase your astral senses.
So evoke different Daemons
Start with Daemons that are Patient and good for beginners
Don’t foget as well there are many kinds of spirits, not just angels and demons, evocation/soul travel etc everyday is a great way to build your senses and break through the “veil” IMO!
Are there particular spirits that don’t like being contacted every day? My experience is limited and I don’t want to ruin relationships before they are built. Any tips on who doesn’t enjoy humans on the needier side would be appreciated.
If it is made clear up front that you are learning, most spirits are very happy to teach. I would choose one demon you want to work with and reach out through their sigil, letting them know your intention is to learn.
You could try this:
Belial is a hard task master but also amazing at what he does.
Think of spirits as people, and there’s your answer. They’re not one dimensional or as simple as the grimories depict them. There’s sooo much more to a single spirit.
So, just like people, some may enjoy it, others may not.