Consistently feeling drained

From a simple meditation or sigil magick to something that takes week or even months of planning, every ritual or working that I have gone into since December has left me unreasonably drained.
This feeling of being drained has lasted for days, even weeks, and just drags me down. It is almost as if a parasite is on me just sucking everything away. This has made stuff even as simple as shower magick exhausting to me and drastic changes have resulted since this drainage.

Has anyone else had to deal with this? If so, how were you able to resolve it?


meditate as a being of violet fire. works for me.


Hmm… Perhaps tune in to your energy body and see if there are cords attached from somewhere or someone? If so, consider cutting them and sealing any tears in your aura. Consider meditating on your chakras, strengthen and ensure they flow and balance… Have you been grounding after ritual? Sometimes excess energies can feel draining if not released.
What do you do to recharge yourself? Do you spend time in nature? Are you taking time for yourself or do you feel hassled and busy? These are a few things to consider…

I would focus on protecting and building your enery back up, seeing the higher energies flow into you to refill after expending energy on a working…there are likely many great meditations on here for that…also EA has some great meditations in his Soul Travel course as well.

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Being unfamiliar, and a beginner, with evocations and energies, getting “drained” or having an unpleasant feeling of getting drained is quite common, as I see it. By succumb - a word sometimes associated to “succubus” or “incubus” entities - to these drainings, sometimes resolves the issues.

Like two magnets tries to repel each other when the same poles meet, flipping one of them will fuse them together with a strong force. The similaraties of getting a needle shot to prevent certain diseases, like smallpox, inflict the disease to the system that later creates immunity to it. Unexperienced magicians, sometimes, feel drained when unfamiliar to comprehend something different than what they’re used to.

I’m not saying I’m right, but more of what I experienced and how I flipped the unpleasant feeling of getting “drained”, to something more pleasant of getting these kind of energies to work within my own energy. We sometimes “feel” drained of energies when we fight it, for the simple reason of feeling fear or unpleasant towards it.

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Along with what other people have said, I wonder - do you recall the workings or rituals, energy work etc., that you did prior to this?

It’s possible one of them has caused this problem, so if you can backtrack you might be able to find what it was.

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In addition to your spiritual health you should check your physical health, have you been getting enough sleep, food, or have you been having too much of something such as weed or alcohol?

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Lol…yes lets make Drugs the Scapegoat =p

Seriously now though, when you do intense Ritual it will be draining. Ive put this out in the past but Magick is Bio-Energy put into influential effects.

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Just do another ritual with the specific intent of handling that issue, and or do energy building exercises, check what you’re putting into your body, sleep, etc.

I have found the most common way I get tired is not enough water.


I agree with many of the comments above as all have their place and I also want you to have a look at this as it goes into the maintenance and support of a healthy level of energy ~ but yes, biosynth was right also when he said that intense ritual is draining because it is!

I am totally fucked at times and crash on the couch afterwards, but I do look after my energy levels as this is so important to a practising magician


I’ve been there. It happens when I do a lot of magick and ritual work several days in a row or several weeks in a row with only a day or two of rest every so often. If I try to push through it, it only gets worse until I feel physically ill. The only way for me combat this is to stop doing magick of any kind, even intense visualizations for several days in a row until I feel better again.

Magick can be physically draining on you, especially if you are new to it, if you have taken a break from it for several months and are just now getting in the habit of doing magick daily again, or if you are undertaking a new system or path that is more advanced than what you are previously used to working with.

Even the most advanced magicians can get exhausted. Just take a look at E.A. after he’s released several new videos on youtube, new books, and has been working with clients non-stop, you can literally see physical exhaustion on his face.


Magick should be a paid job. I would never work for free unless there was a shared common goal where I know Im getting paid later. I usually only dedicate myself to things like that where I know there will be a return, but usually in those moments Im well aware to a greater degree of my many investments. Because of this, I am very discerning in anything I undertakr and believe research should be done prior to doing it.

As should be done with magick in general unless you dont care and wanna live quick and in the moment. Theres always plenty of idiots floating around whom do not believe in magick. So ones Body like in the movie “The Matrix” is a battery and has limited resources…so you are gonna be spent after doing Magick if any Effective Range as it requires alot of energy.

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Wow, thanks everyone for the comments.

Due to this semester of college really revving up the difficulty of Neuropsychology I have not had much time for rituals I must say. The ones I am able to do frequently are usually ones that coincide with my daily routine; occasionally I still work on sigils.
To put the drainage in perspective, or to give it a different sense, imagine that you just tried to perform astral vampyrism on someone but instead you were drained in response. This has been happening on and on and on. Could this be me? Could this be someone else? I am not sure.

I do have a consultation set up for tomorrow so I will be asking about these things. While I have been more drained than ever, and thus negativity sticks in my mind and has manifested itself more and more in my life in the most absurd ways, the times I am able to push through a get my desired outcome it does seem to be much more “bigger” or extravegant. I don’t see it as worth it, however.

After the consultation I will find time to share on here what I learned from EA. While so much good has come into my life from this, especially after pushing past a major dark and almost insane boundary in my life, it should not leave me so exhausted so consistently and should not be affecting most of my life in such a bad way.

Thank you all for the advice.

Along with what other people have said, I wonder - do you recall the workings or rituals, energy work etc., that you did prior to this?

It’s possible one of them has caused this problem, so if you can backtrack you might be able to find what it was.[/quote]

When this began in December I was not doing anything too special or new. I had actually been having a wonderful time during my break from college with a very good friend of mine. I was showing him some very basic stuff of magick and I was also getting into guitar and reading more thanks to the free time. This drainage was something that snuck up on me.
And, to dispell this quickly, this drainage is not like that of depression. I do not feel bleak or in despair (quite the contrary!), nor is it the exhaustion a college student aspiring to become a clinical neuropsychologist would feel. This exhaustion and drainage has drained me in a sense that makes me feel like a shell both mentally and physically. It has begun to make me frustrated due to what it as brought upon me, but one thing I am heavily considering is an entity I mentioned several months back.
I feel that perhaps I was too excited to have an entity come to me and came off foolish when describing it, but it still lingers and I fear it may be a parasite or something of the sort. Before I cut contact from almost everyone for a small time I was mentioning this entity (You know, Xavashan) to someone on here (I have forgotten their name) and she said that she was constantly attacked just by the mentioning of it’s name and warned me that it was born of me (I cannot remember the exact term she used) and attached to me like a parasite. This will be something I bring up to EA.

All of this exhaustion and drainage has even begun to keep me from getting sleep or having an appetite. I have been getting sick very freuently (which basically NEVER happens to me) since this all began as well as very frequent headaches and throat pains. Along with this I have had a brooding sense of fear in the back of my mind regarding this drainage.

Thanks again (everyone) for responding and giving me suggestions on what may be the issue and how to go about resolving it.

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Hey everyone. I recently had my consultation with EA and it went great. He answered all of my questions and more; I will definetly be speaking with him again when I have the chance.

He identified what I worried might have been draining me: an astral parasite. He even identified where I thought it was without me keying into it at all! We discussed this in length and he even keyed on to things I did not tell him and it was very interesting and I can say, without any doubt, that EA is the real deal. Very down to earth, super nice, easy to talk to, and very knowledgeable.

He gave me things to do, books to read, and rituals to perform and I am extremely excited to do this. The excitement alone makes me not feel drained anymore.

Again, thank you for all of your comments.


Sounds like you need a rest dude. I was like this til yesterday - sleeping in the afternoon et al. Think about other things for a few weeks - put the occult down man. Go to the Zoo - go to the park or for a swim. Go live a bit.

I took Ayahuasca last night on my own lol. Honestly that stuff is fucking relentless. Today however I feel great - i feel more confident - looser, more energy and did some really very much needed cleaning, honestly i looked at my kitchen last night whilst tripping and almost fucking collapsed.

I was not keeping up with life recently but I needed that break just to see, and what a break it was. whoosh.

its helped me see in so many ways - truly and just one session. I am focusing on getting out there more ive been locking myself away thinking im doing something progressive but it was a lie man. Im gonna do something more mainstream - Maybe Reiki maybe qi gong.

Take a break is my advice.



Something else you should try, pick out a demon that you like based on its personality traits and skills it likes to teach and evoke it as often as possible. Form a bond and a friendship with this demon until you trust it completely. Then each time you evoke a new spirit that you’ve never evoked before, ask your new ally demon to watch over you as you do the evocation to make sure the spirit REALLY IS who it says it is and not an impostor looking to drain your energy. The demon will keep you safe and if an impostor knows you have this demon protecting you, they will not bother to come to you and the demon will see to it that the correct spirit comes to you.

The demon can actually call the correct spirit for you because they are able to communicate so much faster between one another, while communication between demons and humans can take a little longer to make that connection.


If it’s a parasite,banish everyday for a period of time.Stop doing any kind of magic and just do banishings.Send the mother fucker to the abyss.

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[quote=“RavensAscent, post:16, topic:7164”]Something else you should try, pick out a demon that you like based on its personality traits and skills it likes to teach and evoke it as often as possible. Form a bond and a friendship with this demon until you trust it completely. Then each time you evoke a new spirit that you’ve never evoked before, ask your new ally demon to watch over you as you do the evocation to make sure the spirit REALLY IS who it says it is and not an impostor looking to drain your energy. The demon will keep you safe and if an impostor knows you have this demon protecting you, they will not bother to come to you and the demon will see to it that the correct spirit comes to you.

The demon can actually call the correct spirit for you because they are able to communicate so much faster between one another, while communication between demons and humans can take a little longer to make that connection.[/quote]

We actually spoke of this in detail because I have had something like this contact me from the very beginning. However, this was when EA pinpointed the Astral Parasite leeching on and I made a false correlation and it was just a whole mess. Basically I am rekindeling the connection with the entity currently while banishing the parasite, but man oh man is my god-awful college schedule and legendarily bad ADD really making this difficult to do.


dealing with this too

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what book or site was this technique on?