Conquering the world

Guys what about raising the bars to the ultimate level for the new year ha what about conquering the world i want all the magicians interested in this chat with me in facebook i am ready to be the vessel of darkness i am ready to open myself to possession by satan and be his physical vessel so guys if you are interested tell me and you can perform the ritual to make satan possess me

I’m afraid you may have the wrong idea about possession and such (not to be offensive)

And why rule such a pitiful place?

First, Black Mist go to the New Magician help page and post an introduction,if you have not already, it’s a rule on this forum, thinks. I like your overall attitude, it’s exactly the one needed to be a true black magician. But it’s most unbecoming to beg others here to do rituals for you and a waste of time, do it yourself or be willing to pay a shitload of money for it, that’s just how it is.

Second, “And why rule such a pitiful place?” Dragon Crow, you do realize the point of black magick, evocation and the LHP is to do just that. To take full control of this world and everything in it. And i will be offensive by saying right now that any magician who does not have that as an end goal, is a weakling and probably a coward as well. So keep grabbing this world by the pussy till you rule it all, eternally.:wink:

[quote=“charles9, post:3, topic:9081”]First, Black Mist go to the New Magician help page and post an introduction,if you have not already, it’s a rule on this forum, thinks. I like your overall attitude, it’s exactly the one needed to be a true black magician. But it’s most unbecoming to beg others here to do rituals for you and a waste of time, do it yourself or be willing to pay a shitload of money for it, that’s just how it is.

Second, “And why rule such a pitiful place?” Dragon Crow, you do realize the point of black magick, evocation and the LHP is to do just that. To take full control of this world and everything in it. And i will be offensive by saying right now that any magician who does not have that as an end goal, is a weakling and probably a coward as well. So keep grabbing this world by the pussy till you rule it all, eternally.;)[/quote]
I have the desire to rule more so myself.

[quote=“charles9, post:3, topic:9081”]First, Black Mist go to the New Magician help page and post an introduction,if you have not already, it’s a rule on this forum, thinks. I like your overall attitude, it’s exactly the one needed to be a true black magician. But it’s most unbecoming to beg others here to do rituals for you and a waste of time, do it yourself or be willing to pay a shitload of money for it, that’s just how it is.

Second, “And why rule such a pitiful place?” Dragon Crow, you do realize the point of black magick, evocation and the LHP is to do just that. To take full control of this world and everything in it. And i will be offensive by saying right now that any magician who does not have that as an end goal, is a weakling and probably a coward as well. So keep grabbing this world by the pussy till you rule it all, eternally.;)[/quote]
Buttt…buttt…I dont want to rule the world. I just want to be the one behind the one ruling the world.
The queen protects the king. Right?

I would enjoy ruling the world, there are massive changes I would be enacting immediately.

This is my comment from the post, “IF You Were A Living God…?”

First order would be, I would wish for the knowledge to make myself immortal, as that's kind of my goal in life.

Secondly, I would wish to have the knowledge to master the ability to heal and I would wish to have the knowledge to master the art of external alchemy (like lead to gold or manufacturing the philosopher’s stone). Then, I would become God on earth. I would heal the sick, restore the amputees, and resurrect the dead. I would create safe, free, eternal energy for the entire world using alchemy. I would rule the world with no fear of assassination, as I would be immune to any attempt at, what would be akin to, deicide. I would be king forever.

I would unite the earth and create freedom for everyone to live. I would destroy the concept of owning land, and since energy is free I would destroy the need for money. Production would only take people and time. People would work with their passions all day long, if that’s teaching they would teach, if that’s learning they would learn. The means to produce would be based around desire and passion, not economics. This would drastically change the job scene, especially as technology progresses and more professions become automated. Because of the unlimited energy, I would solve the global population issue.

Then, after about 100 years in office I would search the world for my replacements. There would be three, and they would have various qualities I would be looking for such as compassion, empathy, desire for knowledge, and integrity among others. In these three students I would pour my immense knowledge. These three students would become immortal as well as master healing and alchemy. Then, after they were trained I would put them, communally, in charge of earth and I would oversee them for 25 years.

After that time, I would bore of earth, so I would travel to another planet that was lifeless and merely begin by creating life. I would manifest water, I would create cells, I would be a god on this planet. I would watch as evolution brought my creation into sentience after billions of years. All the time meditating and growing in power and knowledge. When sentient life first begins I would be able to interact with them and manipulate their gene structure and manipulate their energy fields, etc. Basically fine tuning them, these would be my special creation, made in my image, since I am true God. I would live eternally with this new race and be their God-King. I would be capable of manipulating all things, the past and the future would be laid before me. I would be able to change my body from physical to pure energy and spirit. Nothing would be impossible for me. And I would guide my creation, teaching them anything: how to make fire, how to distinguish edible from poisonous herbs, how to do construction, systems of writing, anything as they grow. The ones with more higher vibration would be taught basic magic, how to use divination, how to evoke spirits, and how to soul travel, basic shamanic practices. And very few I would even teach immortality to.

And anyways, yes, my world would continue on and I would live forever guiding them, healing them, and ruling them. Meanwhile my progeny on earth would keep my utopia running smoothly. So would it be if I had the powers of a God immediately.

So, yeah, ruling as king is definitely preferable to me than living as I do. I am true God, there is no rule above mine.

If we’re talking public rulership, as opposed to private, then I don’t want a part either. While pulling the strings from the shadows is nice, to be the literal “king of the world” is to be under the cosmic gun at all times.

Rulers may show their face, but monarchs do not.

As for the why, well, you’re here, aren’t you? You have three choices in this world, now that you’ve landed:

  • kill yourself
  • let others use you
  • use others

Most people go between the two but sometimes they mix all three! It’s a potent cocktail.

I’m more of a grey magician than black, but that doesn’t mean I won’t puppet people like strings if it means getting the job done. I’m more grey than black because I tend towards more sellsword-like behavior. I am not a man of principles; I am a man of opportunities.

This is a stop. Train won’t be coming to pick me up for a while, so I figured I’d have some fun while I wait.

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Another thing, the lhp is a philosophy not a practice. Who said I was lhp? I follow NO ONE. I am myself, a god in his/her own right and I shall do as I please not to what some babbling fool (not you) wrote on a peice of paper.

I like your enthusiasm but there are a few minor flaws here… Namely being possessed by satan won’t actually make you overly powerful.
But still, glad to have you with us and if you need any advice on possessions I’m sure we’ll all be glad to help.

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Hmmm Let me see…Arianna, why do you think the king wants to rule the world in the first place? It’s to impress the queen. :wink:

Velotak, i’m always seeing things upside down, so death is just a stop, a very small one on my way to…Right back here.

Dragon Crow, no worries, i am a babbling fool and to the rest, exactly!

Black mist, instead of trying to get possessed by Satan, why not try to take possession of Satan? That’s a much more interesting thing to attempt. =D

The point wasn’t to call you a babbling fool…

One thing to consider is would Satan even give a shit about taking over? He’d have to agree to the possession in the first place

(I clicked Preview on my post below, and through it made me feel the need to state right here that, apart from mentioning an intro reminder in the final line, nothing in my post is a “moderator statement” and I never represent BALG the business entity and its personnel, in any way, shape, or form. This post represents my personal opinions, and that needs saying, coz it’s about to get spicy!)

Hate to burst your bubble, but some of us have been taking over the world using black magick and sheer damned awesomeness for a while now. :wink:

And we’re winning.

Do grab your own piece pf the action independently as you see fit, but you’re not raising the bar for anyone, we already had that idea long, long, ago! :wink:

what about conquering the world i want all the magicians interested in this chat with me in facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is a worthless cunt in my never-humble personal opinion.

His product has brought out the worst strands of humanity, his marketing aims to stalk you round the internet by placing trackers on sites completely unrelated to Facebook (trackers that are logged and blocked by other software - this isn’t a conspiracy theory!), his entire platform has increased narcissism and stupidity exponentially, his business model RELIES upon selling your information as his product, and now he’s about to decide what constitutes “real” news and what is “fake.”

He’s literally shitting on the 1st Amendment and then expecting his cattle, whose personal information he farms for a profit by milking vanity, insecurity, and the worst aspects of the human ego, to thank him for it.

And yes, I’m angry at him, his offering, and his effect on human society - anyway just wanted to draw attention to that fact that some of us on here have set our sights that high, long ago, and also, that you may want to check the full details of any platform you seek to use to build a community of your own.

BALG be crazy, for sure, but from what I’ve seen they’re an okay kind of crazy, so for now I grace their forum :o) with my presence.

Chose wisely when looking for a foundation for your empire!

And do check your messages tab at the top of the page, as Charles9 mentioned, you need to do an intro next, and I sent you a reminder as well. :slight_smile:

Idfk I just wanted to say that.
Also, why rule the world? Why not do the exact opposite, and plunge the world into political anarchy? Just saying, that’s my end goal. Let everyone rule the world. :smiley:

God I can’t fucking wait to throw bricks through church and courtroom windows in revolution.

Satan needs strong whole people! Fix yourself and then come to Satan. satan is tired to pick up God’s mess!

Azazel had to fix alot of messed up stuff in me. He has had to be veey patient and know when to push and when not to push. Yes, he has had to fix gods mess. And I thank him everyday for taking the time to do it. No one is perfect we all have some sort of skeleton in our closet.
I think Satan and Azazel and all the others takes gods mess and makes it beautiful. They bring the true you out and show you what magick you had hidden in you all along.
I am definitely a work in progress. :slight_smile:

^ Both good points, I’ve worked very hard on myself (and continue to, it’s always a work in progress) - you do honour to the spirits by asking them for help, and also by taking your own initiative to fix things.

But you do the most honour to your own spirit by reaching out for the right help, if you’re in a crisis (Black mist, I’m talking to you).

I know firsthand what it’s like to feel at the end of your tether, battery life down to zero, no hope and no clear way out, and reaching for anything that might help - in those cases, local support from qualified professionals (medical, not plumbers or pianists!) is the best route, hard as it may be to take. Crisis helplines are a good first step to discuss this with, they’re trained and waiting to help.

see I don’t want to rule it would get boring once I learn what I need to learn feel free to hire me as a guy to lead armies into battle or as a mercenary I just want to enjoy the fight this world peace shit is annoying and exhausting to even see one it’s impossible because there are people like me who get extremely anxious during peace and want to get rid of it honestly. chaos to me is my peaceful time peace does nothing but make me anxious paranoid and makes me feel overly violent because peace never lasts but in chaos you are ready you have an idea of what is wrong and you can do something about it and when the next thing comes you are ready to move on to the next goal