Confusion regarding recent Demon teachings?

I have just watched tutorials from Mind and Magic / Frater Xavier.

Very intelligent guy and I am left confused as in his opinion, I am practising dangerously by working with rebellious spirits without a circle and believing what they tell me as it is in their nature to lie and deceive. Most problems he states are caused by Demons?? and they are not friends or guides.

Interesting topics but I have not found this to be the case (yet) and I wondered the communities view on this who is more experienced than myself?

I am NOT looking to argue who is right or wrong. I am interested in others opinions on this form of Magic and approach etc.

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He generalised and the demons you worked out with so far didn’t cause any trouble. It is simple but that doesn’t all demons have your best intentions.

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The Goetia has plenty of warnings about some of the spirits having lying tendencies and you having to do something to compel them to tell the truth. So it’s something to consider. EA himself has been vocal about his distrust of demons.

However, I don’t think Frater X is saying anything that is unconventional or far out there in this regard.


No, I think he seems highly intelligent. I have not used a circle or used any constraining names yet with the Demons I have worked with you see. I was wondering if this would be considered ‘dangerous’ in the long run as I watched his tutorial.

I just kind of thought and reflected if I need to change

People can be assholes,so can be spirits.
But you don’t shut down yourself from every human being on this planet because they COULD betray you.
Bad things happen,good things happen. You can’t generalise on that, I guess.


I have had good experiences so far with results, advice and assistance. I listened and watched quite a few of his lessons and just though he is way superior to me and I must be really fucking up ‘trusting’

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I was not referring to his generalisation per say but to his overall message.

I have yet to meet anyone on here that uses a circle and Angelic names to bind and control and was wondering the validity of this from other forum users.

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Some people do here. You can look for such posts. If you are wondering how the hell demons show up when they are being called with an angel overseeing the whole operation, and they can’t fool around because of it, I have no answer.


Yes there are goetia that can lie and decieve you sometimes to basically tell you “Wise up and think for yourself”. I’ve had experiences with one of these-number 44 out of the 72. In a way, I see them mostly like Loki. They can trick you but at the same time its usually a lesson. Loki tricked me before but to get me to remember his rule of self-knowledge: know who you are despite the lies you tell yourself and others. Just keep a watchful eye out and treat them as equals. I saw from a post that if you treat yourself better than them, they’ll put you in your place and if you worship them, they will vampirise off of you. IT is their nature to as they were gods


I have worked with Lucifer for years without a circle. I work with King Belial without a circle. I completely respect this guys teachings and it just made me think,you know???

The tutorials are available to watch online. I have enjoyed them but feel EA s approach fits me better at the moment.


I have once thought to use a magickal circle because my teacher advised me too for protection and to bind the demons but I have not done that. I was scared to work with them “Sell your soul” and all that shit. So when Asmoday came to me I was suprised when he simply wanted to help with lust

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same here, however i don’t feel like doing the same with others. I went with my gut feeling.


Yes,me too. I only work with a few also. King Belial has really helped me actually in many ways. Quirky and teasing sometimes but very effective and I have never felt unsafe with him


Just because he might be more experienced does not make him in anyway superior. I watched a couple of his videos but stopped after hearing him make the statement that most problems are caused by Demons.
It just gives people an excuse to not take responsibility for their own actions. “That Demon made me do it” is already a popular excuse.
My advice would be find out who you would like to be your patron or matron deity and ask them if they are willing to build a relationship. Building a solid relationship will likely put you under the entities protection. With Lilith I know she’ll protect me. I work without a circle or triangle. Lilith said that any entity that could be causing serious harm, won’t be stopped by a circle. If this works for you, why change it? Or try it out and see what feels better to you. Trust your intuition. Nobody, no matter how experienced, IS you. Work with what works for you, you’ll get the experience if you keep practicing.

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If you feel safer, don’t hesitate to use one. It’s more about your own state of mind. If you are scared of the entity you are attempting to evoke, they will appear scary. I don’t know if that applies to all of them, but I know it applies to Lilith and several others. Anything that makes you feel safe and confident will work. Aside from treating the Demons/Deities without respect.

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I mean I did evoke King Paimon earlier without any magickal circle-all he wants is a space for him on my altar for now


That’s a good start for building a relationship. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve got a box with his sigil in it pretty much. It’s still open, idk how to close sigils


I always draw any sigil I use for a spell or ritual by hand. It doesn’t look pretty but it seems to add an extra boost. If I want to close it I either burn, or bury it. My sigil with Lilith is always open. If you like working with King Paimon, you can always ask for his protection. And if you’re relatively new, you will probably build several relationships with entities before you find your Matron/Patron. But that doesn’t apply to everybody. Some people are drawn into the occult, because suddenly there is a connection with a deity/spirit. But for most people, I believe it takes a while before you build a solid Matron/Patron relationship. I had been practicing for almost 10 years before Lilith became my Matron.
It was pretty clear when I met her the first time, that she was my spiritual coming home. I still work with and like a lot of the deities I worked with before meeting Lilith. I have a very soft spot for both Hecate and Pan. They taught me lot, but neither was my Matron/Patron. Building good relationships with the entities you work with will help you a great deal.


I do have a Matron-various of my posts on the forums are about her heh-Freyja. She’s been with me all my life from what she’s told me