
So I have a portal to Amosdeus and two others that are been worked on already, one to Ladilock and one to Rosier. The problem is, who do I use? My target I think is still seeing her guy,although I dont think its that serious, so I want them split up and me and her to have a secret office relationship,an intense liason. I just dont know who would be the best for this. For some reason Im a bit wary of Amosdeus! Would you say he is more powerful then the other two? Any advice would be much appreciated.thanks

Id go with ladilok personally

Thanks Verdo, why do you say that?

Ladilok has a good track record, if you do a search for the name on the forums. Actually, shes helped guys before in very similar situations concerning getting a girl from work. One thing I will caution you on though is that from what I’ve seen, ladilok often can cause you to loose your job if you aren’t careful with how you manage/hide this office relationship…so take note of that


I know this is an old post but looking at ladilock and is it just making you lose a job if your in one and is this quite common or can she make you lose a business if your a business owner? Any failsafes to stop this happening?

I think the issue is that some folks have used her to get targets that they work with. That’s probably a bad idea…but this would be true for any entity. Fucking where you work is a risk. You will want to keep your business and pleasure separated.

That is true in which case its probably more they mess up rather than the spirit so they try tie two and two together and make 5 instead. So I take it she doesnt destroy your income or business then, that was my worry from reading some of the incidental posts on this.

No, I don’t believe its in her nature to destroy what you’ve got going on. If anything, her mission is to make you, as a man, a master over women…not to have them be masters over you and your livelihood.

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