Confused, But wanting to introduce

I am Yuki, I was born Catholic went Wiccan and then became an Atheist… But here recently… I been having a strange connection to wanting to look into Lucifer. As if I am being Drawn to him, And I am not sure why… I don’t even believe this stuff, But now I am more confused then ever. I tried getting back into religion hoping to fix this weird feeling. But it won’t fix… I have had a fight with darkness since I was a child, I hoped it was gone forever, But feels like its returned. I am not even sure if this is where I belong, But this is where it lead me.

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Do you have any experience in magick?

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That is because you haven’t found your true path yet. You’ll get there keep searching and learning.

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I can relate :slight_smile: I hope you enjoy the forum and there’s tons of information here on Lucifer!! Welcome.

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I did as a Wiccan

How long were you a Wiccan?

No magick outside of that particular religion?

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I was in it for 6 years, Yeah… It was my only one I dabbled with Magic. When my dad died when I was young. My mom had a break down, So old women who were wiccan. They took me in and raised me until I was an adult.

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