CONFESSION: What Are Your Greatest Ambitions And Worst Frustrations?

I’m getting fired up for our upcoming Mastering Divination: Omniscience!

Who else is excited for us as a community to lay the first major stone in the golden brick road to magickal ascent?

For you who are going to join us for this masterclass, what specific skills do you want to excel at? And what information are you hoping to learn?

What are your personal GOALS?

Furthermore, what have you frustrations and failures with divination been until now?

What do you need to OVERCOME?

Here, I’ll commence first:

I’ve decided that it’s time now for me grow up and truly master my own clairvoyance, once and for all. My secret frustration for the last few years has been my own inability to simply sit, meditate, and receive authentic psychic visions and movies - ON DEMAND.

I succeed now and then. But I want to make it razor sharp.

I often fantasize of how I’d feel possessing the power to read minds, know the future, and have astral spirits communicating with me telepathically.

So to reiterate, my strongest ambition is to develop the power of my Third Eye to the point where I genuinely have Godlike Omniscience- the talent to trigger divinatory information AT WILL inside my my mind alone, without the use of external tools.

Pure mental clairvoyance is going to be my aspiration and reason for taking the time and energy to devour this coming program.

For those of you who aren’t planning on coming with us on a journey through the art and science of clairvoyant divination - the First Godlike Power - what’s stopping you? What are your fears or insecurities?

What’s your reason for avoiding the inevitable fact… that you NEED to harness the power of your psychic faculties for ultimate MASTERY of both evocation and soul travel… and thus, Godhood itself.

Let’s get some positive buzz and chatter going. Big news coming soon!!

My greatest obstacle is the first thing we have to master… the trance state. Since it seems to be the foundation skill that underpins all magick rituals, I want to be able to get into that state at will and speed up the time it takes to get there. Now I meditate for an hour and Im in high theta (I think), but am having difficulty triggering the gamma. I want to get into the trance state without having to continuously sit for hours every day (even then I have no success at present).

This is also the reason I lose motivation to practice as most of the time I cannot stand the idea of spending over an hour in meditation when experience shows me I won’t even succeed in inducing the state I want (whine whine).

Like you Timothy (well unlike you since I have no clairvoyance) I want to open my astral vision on demand and be able to use my scrying mirror to such a degree that the entity that I communicate with is as clear as a person is on TV. I want to be able to have a 2 way conversation with an entity through the mirror and under their daily instruction, master scrying.

Right on.

Thanks for sharing. And I’m confident that E.A. is going to provide his most up-to-date methods for achieving deep “gateway” states in the program.

Gateway referring to the mindset of existing in between worlds.

Anyone else?

How far away from release are you as I am involved with some other projects that require money at this time also?

Maxx, my friend, when we are in a position to officially release that information…

… You will be the FIRST to know.

Do not get caught like that little wooden kid…and have your nose begin to grow long and longer and more wooden and more wooden…lol. Then it turned out to be long and wooden…lol
Uncle Fester

What Brutus said! I scry using a black mirror though not as often as I would like too… I struggle to achieve the necessary rapture or ‘gateway state’ as you call it Timothy. I have got no further than a vague smokiness in the mirror though even that may be eye fatigue for all i know as it surprised me so much when it happened it immediately dissapeared! Even occassional success would be bloody brilliant right now… And I would like to hear spirits in order to learn from them rather than the vague mental impressions I get now at times…

The core focus of the program - the part devoted to scrying and visualization - is all about getting past the “beginner” phase of intermittent success, and attaining real clear visual acuity of astral and mental phenomena.

That would be pretty good. One issue I notice is that lately when I have been scrying I see alot of imagery that looks like insect/plants/fangs and the other stuff I’m trying to look at sometimes gets mixed up with that. My theory is that imagery is my minds way of interpresting a certain sort of energy associated with me. So I tried to synch my vision witht he energies I was trying to view and things changed, still not perfect though.

E.A. walked through the curriculum of the program on the phone with me…

You guys are going to LOVE this…

He really covers EVERY aspect of divination.

I myself am PUMPED to watch it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I strongly encourage everyone to really start settling in, and mentally preparing themselves for this. Because this truly is your opportunity to attain Omniscience.

As far as I know, this will be most powerful, and completely comprehensive program ever made on the Art and Science of Magick Divination.

I honestly believe it’s possible each program E.A. makes will be a new landmark - and new STANDARD - in the education of the occult.

Is anyone else as fucking excited for this as I am?!

Will this cover the evocation of entities in a scrying mirror or will that be taught in mastering evocation?

[quote=“inquirer”][quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:469”]I’m getting fired up for our upcoming Mastering Divination: Omniscience!

Who else is excited for us as a community to lay the first major stone in the golden brick road to magickal ascent?

For you who are going to join us for this masterclass, what specific skills do you want to excel at? And what information are you hoping to learn?

What are your personal GOALS?

Furthermore, what have you frustrations and failures with divination been until now?

What do you need to OVERCOME?

Here, I’ll commence first:

I’ve decided that it’s time now for me grow up and truly master my own clairvoyance, once and for all. My secret frustration for the last few years has been my own inability to simply sit, meditate, and receive authentic psychic visions and movies - ON DEMAND.

I succeed now and then. But I want to make it razor sharp.

Are you perfect now, as in razor sharp ?

I often fantasize of how I’d feel possessing the power to read minds, know the future, and have astral spirits communicating with me telepathically.

So to reiterate, my strongest ambition is to develop the power of my Third Eye to the point where I genuinely have Godlike Omniscience- the talent to trigger divinatory information AT WILL inside my my mind alone, without the use of external tools.

Pure mental clairvoyance is going to be my aspiration and reason for taking the time and energy to devour this coming program.

For those of you who aren’t planning on coming with us on a journey through the art and science of clairvoyant divination - the First Godlike Power - what’s stopping you? What are your fears or insecurities?

What’s your reason for avoiding the inevitable fact… that you NEED to harness the power of your psychic faculties for ultimate MASTERY of both evocation and soul travel… and thus, Godhood itself.

Let’s get some positive buzz and chatter going. Big news coming soon!![/quote][/quote]
Are you perfect now, as in razor sharp ?

Inquirer, Fuck off.

[quote=“inquirer, post:12, topic:469”][quote=“inquirer”][quote=“Timothy, post:1, topic:469”]I’m getting fired up for our upcoming Mastering Divination: Omniscience!

Who else is excited for us as a community to lay the first major stone in the golden brick road to magickal ascent?

For you who are going to join us for this masterclass, what specific skills do you want to excel at? And what information are you hoping to learn?

What are your personal GOALS?

Furthermore, what have you frustrations and failures with divination been until now?

What do you need to OVERCOME?

Here, I’ll commence first:

I’ve decided that it’s time now for me grow up and truly master my own clairvoyance, once and for all. My secret frustration for the last few years has been my own inability to simply sit, meditate, and receive authentic psychic visions and movies - ON DEMAND.

I succeed now and then. But I want to make it razor sharp.

Are you perfect now, as in razor sharp ?

I often fantasize of how I’d feel possessing the power to read minds, know the future, and have astral spirits communicating with me telepathically.

So to reiterate, my strongest ambition is to develop the power of my Third Eye to the point where I genuinely have Godlike Omniscience- the talent to trigger divinatory information AT WILL inside my my mind alone, without the use of external tools.

Pure mental clairvoyance is going to be my aspiration and reason for taking the time and energy to devour this coming program.

For those of you who aren’t planning on coming with us on a journey through the art and science of clairvoyant divination - the First Godlike Power - what’s stopping you? What are your fears or insecurities?

What’s your reason for avoiding the inevitable fact… that you NEED to harness the power of your psychic faculties for ultimate MASTERY of both evocation and soul travel… and thus, Godhood itself.

Let’s get some positive buzz and chatter going. Big news coming soon!![/quote][/quote]
Are you perfect now, as in razor sharp ?[/quote]
Please send me private message, let’s discuss details.

i’m in, great way to energize the new year