Complete simon necronomicon

Has anybody here worked with complete simon necronomicon and what experiences/advice/opinions you have?


Haven’t seen many newer posts on this subject lately but if you run a search on the forum you will find older posts people have made regarding their experiences on it.

All i can tell you about it is it is anchored mostly in a chaos magick style of sumerian magick and has nothing to do with the lovecraftian current.


Do you mind specifying?

The author uses the name and infamy of lovecrafts work to hype up his own, but the text deals with some planetary rituals and works involving Sumerian lore. The other text, the spellbook of 50 names deals with the various names of marduk a sumerian god.
He tries to draw superficial connections to the old ones like some other authors have.

Have heard people get pretty good results with the work regardless though.


What about the gates then? for example, gate of Inanna? It´s a gateway but gateway for what exactly? Inanna is in that case a gatekeeper but that is all I understand. Any experience or knowledge?

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I haven’t worked through it myself, read it forever ago but it wasn’t what i was looking for. I was looking to connect with the entites of the lovecraftian current at the time.


Nice, what current are you in now?

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I have been exploring the path of smoke for a little over a year now, it is the name of the current worked through in black magick of ahriman. I got led here through my own work with the old ones.

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Nice, I´m working with ahriman myself, in a way


I’ve heard people get results from it and that’s the important part but if you want Lovecraft don’t bother with that.
The first thing I’d suggest is Lovecraft himself then Mason’s book here on the subject.
S Ben Qayin has a book as well but I haven’t read that one.


Here is a channel that has a person who works it and its other books from simon.
Hope this helps. :slight_smile:


I read it as a young man and it did help me along my path but to be totally honest with you, you could get results from Green Eggs and Ham if you really believe in it. So it all depends on what tools and systems you want to use to effect change.


I’ve looked into the pdf version…I have trouble understanding what the spells are actually good for…some give a discrption on how to use rhem and what for, and others don’t…so I guess I’ll just expirement with them…

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I believe each of the fifty names of marduk for example is supposed to help us in a certain way when we used their seal.

I would really like to work through this but I havent had the time to dig into it yet.