Common Experiences Among Magicians

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:1, topic:6435”]I’ve observed that there tend to be some experiences and phenomena that are common to all of us as we progress, regardless of specific methods used, beliefs, or whether we identify as RHP, LHP or find those definitions meaningless.

This is the list of the things I’ve heard and read other people mention most frequently, including having been on here almost 2 years now and read a fair chunk of posts dating back to when the forum opened, and I checked in with some magickal friends we know in offline life (most of whom don’t define themselves as black magicians) and my sweetie as well - I’ve probably left things out, so please post up anything you’ve heard a lot from other magicians:

1. Time Bending

Results beginning to occur before the working itself (evocation, spell, energy work) - this seems to be an almost universal experience, it’s well known to happen in healing work and within the core shamanism paradigm, which has aims and methods completely different to most demonic evocation and black magick, and it seems to escalate as the experience and basic power of the magician grows;

2. Watchful Eye

Seeing a single eye, of some kind - as a vision, or when we close our own eyes - I had this appear first in a vision before I’d got into LHP philosophy, later it changed form somewhat from that, and it’s something quite a few people have mentioned on here;

3. Black Being

A black figure being present when we wake up, or at other times - this seems more common to people on this forum, especially who did the WoD darkness exercise;

4. Reality Changes

Spirits talking to you, or answers coming to you, from random sources such as other people - and other phenomena that make it appear as though the more you mess with the fundamental nature of reality, the more the world moves “inside your head” and ceases to be a real external thing.

It’s as though everything becomes more about you, as though you’re what Iam Incide described as an “alpha-dreamer,” creating reality more than experiencing it as an external concrete thing;

5. Other Magicians As Dream Oracles

Dreams where other magicians (this is especially common on here) appear in your sleep and tell you something useful, that you couldn’t consciously have known, and which the magician in question (in their real life) isn’t personally responsible for.

This has happened to me with Euoi, E.A., and a couple of other people, and one member here dreamed I gave him some Biblical verses which were useful and accurate, way beyond my personal knowledge of the Bible, and also that book’s not something I have a personal spiritual connection to;

6. Other Magicians As Channels For Spirits

Spirits coming to us kind of “through” other magicians - again this happened to me with Euoi (hope you don’t mind the namecheck) with La Santisima Muerte, she actually showed me a kind of flash of Euoi’s old avatar when she appeared out the blue to tell me something, it’s happened with Ahriman and Azi Dahaka and several spirits via E.A.'s videos, especially, and something like it also happened with my partner - a spirit came through him, to me - and he wasn’t intending for this to happen, or even thinking about it or aware of it;

7. Grouped Spirits

Spirits kind of coming in groups, often with a planetary or elemental link - a common grouping on here is Belial, the archangel Raphael, and other spirits associated with Mercury for example, often contacting one will draw the others and they’ll become the group you work most (and best) with, at least for a longish period (and without ruling out others);

8. Astral Decor

When travelling in non-physical realms, spirits often appear in environments that have chequered floors (not necessarily black and white) and columns, like a classical Greek temple look, regardless of the cultural associations of that spirit, and often very large doors, which appear (if they were in a physical location) maybe 30 or 40 feet tall;

Detail from “Harmonia” by Virginia Frances Sterrett

9. Stuff From Other Paradigms Intruding

Stuff you’ve got no reason to feel is linked to you, such as spirits that are known by ethnic groups where you probably don’t have any genetic link or origins, or areas of magick you have no current interest in - often appearing in dreams that feel more significant than normal dreams, occasionally appearing as a vision or during some other work.

I’ve seen Golden Dawn-style imagery of black and white columns in a dream that had a significant message, even though I’ve never been associated with their stuff or even interested, and various other things that had no readily-explainable connection to me, my family, or my preferences, and this has been posted about by a few people here as well, and I’ve heard the same thing from other people I know offline;

10. Materialising & Dematerialising

Both in my old white-light days and on magick forums where people perform black magick, I’ve read accounts of two things that will commonly appear, or disappear - small metal objects (coins, keys, jewellery) and living insects.

I’ve had this myself, many times, heard it from others online and off, including white-light oriented people who’d never perform magick for personal gain and have dedicated themselves to healing. The film Poltergiest shows a large manifestation of small metal objects, and that film seemed pretty well-researched, and the association of insects with demons is also pretty common.

The insects will often vanish right in front of your very eyes, especially spiders, this has happened to me, my mum, people on healing forums, and I think there was a post here about it - the metal objects usually move location or vanish, and very rarely appear inexplicably, when they’re not being observed;

11. Relatives Having Dreams

Blood relations and sometimes close friends having dreams with a mystical or weird atmosphere when you embrark on magick, or shift paradigms in a major way, and they’re not aware you’re interested at all.

This happened with one of my parents when I began studying core shamanism, but I hadn’t discussed it with them or even hinted, and I’ve heard the same kind of thing from other healers, I believe it appeared in a post in here as well.

That's my list so far - anyone got anything to add, or has experienced these?

I'm most curious about this and I hope this thread is useful to anyone experiencing these things for the first time.[/quote]

Wow I have actually experienced all of these in under 2 years. 

Though when it comes to vanishing insects they are usually spiders that I see on a window or other place after I wake up from a night terror. 

With everyone pretty much having something strange happen to them one way or another that they cannot understand, I would like to suggest that there should be a section of the forum made for posting stuff like this so that people can find answers for stuff they cannot explain or find common experiences with other users.

[quote=“Smith, post:21, topic:6435”]Wow I have actually experienced all of these in under 2 years.

Though when it comes to vanishing insects they are usually spiders that I see on a window or other place after I wake up from a night terror.[/quote]

Cool! :smiley:

With everyone pretty much having something strange happen to them one way or another that they cannot understand, I would like to suggest that there should be a section of the forum made for posting stuff like this so that people can find answers for stuff they cannot explain or find common experiences with other users.

Well we have a thread about it for now right here - hopefully, regular replies will keep it bumped up and new people, or people who’ve not read it before, will share if they’ve had any of the above, or anything new (to the list) that they’ve had happen a lot, and maybe also read about on here?

My list was a starting point, to open the conversation about widely-shared experiences, and not meant to be definitive. :slight_smile:

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Bumping this, because people enthused about the BIG work on Sunday may want to know that all their stuff is part of what we’re actually seeing, and that NOTHING is blocking us, nor stopping our ascent.

The trolling of humanity and of our rightful spiritual allies, kin, and godlike peers for blood lulz and suppression is OVER - 9/11/“2016” is a good day for taking out some more trash. :slight_smile:


I have personally experienced about half of these phenomena, but I’d like to ask you about the eye thing especially. I cant recall an occassion where I saw just a single eye, but I’ve seen multiple eyes, purple in color, staring and blinking at me. In fact I’ve seen that vision on multiple occassions. I call it the “wall of eyes”, cause honestly thats what it looks like. So, anyone seen anything like that?


I would like to add a number 12 to this list.
12. Poltergeist activity:
Now be it spirits or our own telekinesis popping off due to the mental strengthening ( sort of like post workout muscle spasms. ) But I know that I’m certainly not the only one here who has come on the forum talking about these kinds of experiences. From what I gathered most parapsychologist claim that it is our own latent telekinetic abilities spontaneously erupting due to some outside influences such as stress or in our case mental stretching and strengthening.

I also want to add a number 13.
13. Spontaneous telepathy:
Simply knowing what people are thinking hearing the phone ring and you just know who it is on the other line or knowing that you boss is going to ask you to work late etc.
I just thought I would add those to the list.


I’ve experienced all of the things mentioned in the op. The thing I’m fascinated with is understanding the hidden meaning of the all seeing eye/eye of providence. I see it when I meditate, it’s in some of the dreams I have, it’s on t.v. and in the music videos I watch. Shoot, even Lady Eva is dropping the eye symbol with her avatar. Maybe she’s secretly a member of the “illuminate”. lol

It makes me feel like something out there is trying to tell us something. Anyways it’s a fascinating thing and it really makes me wonder.


Here are a few pages that cover this topic.
This is mostly wikipedia but they give the best overall general info and you can dig further from there. Cheers!

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Wow! Im so glad you posted this stuff…i was just telling another member the other day about a spider that just showed up on my grimiore and when i sat it on the floor to let it just crawl away it vanished. Awesome :slight_smile:


It’s SO cool when we come together and read about people we never met, from all around the world, having the exact same experiences, I’m always stunned by the extent to which what I saw (even back as a kid, when I didn’t know magick was a real thing that people did) can appear for someone totally different, with a different background, belief system, everything, thousands of miles away. :slight_smile:


Time Bending - Yes, I have seen things begin to manifest before intention “put out there” or ritual done. It’s kinda like, “Hey, guys, I haven’t even done the ritual yet!” Lol. I didn’t realize that this was a common experience. Good to know.

Watchful Eye - Now, that’s an interesting one. The single eye has been kind of a theme for me back before I became a nurse and was doing art. I remember doing a print (no ink just from using pressure on image made with glue, sand and string). I still have it.

After I fully made the plunge into the LHP I started seeing the one eye when my eyes were closed. That’s when I remembered the connection to my artwork in the past.

Black Being - For me, it’s usually a shadowy cloud or mist. Usually what appears to be slightly lighter than the darkened room. One night after having worked with Nitika I woke up out of a sound sleep to see a ball of white mist just a few feet away from me and a sigil that was scintillating (can’t find the exact word for it).

I haven’t seen any astral poop-flinging monkeys. Lol

I also haven’t had the experience that Sultitan_Itan has where he knows “fucking everything.” Lol. That would be pretty cool. : )

One super weird/interesting thing that has been happening to me is I’ll awaken but only halfway. I’ll be consciously awake and able to see what’s happening in my mind. It’s like the dream is just floating on the surface and I see what’s underneath.

I have this visual overlay of images that constantly changes. One layer is an ever-changing “wallpaper” of sorts that has what looks like islander symbols. In addition to that one night I was in this state and was looking at a picture above my dresser that I had taken of some trees. In my view was the dresser, the picture and the items on the dresser. Superimposed over it and changing about 2 times a second were all kinds of stylized versions of what I was seeing. Each one different. This went on for sometime. With my long ago art background I was wanting to save some of these images but, alas, how do you save 120 images a minute. Lol.

If anyone has had an experience like that or has any idea what it might be I would be delighted to know WTF it is!

Poltergeist Issues - Adam Thoth’s number 12. This is just now starting to happen. One evening after a pretty profound experience with the Old Ones I walked into the kitchen and when I got close to the coffee maker it started clicking on and off. I backed up and it stopped. Went closer and it began again. Hasn’t happened since then. That was probably my first experience.

Telepathy - Adam Thoth’s number 13. Have experienced this for most of my life to the point where it feels very natural. It can be a little hard on relationships though with the unmagickal (for lack of a better word).

I haven’t done spirit travel yet so I can’t relate anything related to the ones involving this.

I’ve really enjoyed reading all of your comments!


Another super-awesome thread!


I’ve had weird experiences happening like domino since last year.

The most impressive thing was a big eye.
When I started to learn about dark art I had a image of big eye, blueish
transparent, as big as a boat, right next to me, as soon as I closed my
eyes when I lied down for a short rest.

That was a very intense and scary experience but thinking it over now,
it was nice and clear vision.

The Eye thing also reminded me of this friend in Jr. Highschool.
She was very psychic, she talked about astral travel and always
knew before earthquake happens. And said she always sees an eye
before the earthquake.
She’s not in magick or spiritual anything after all but she looks
she’s leading happy life with nice boy friend and fishing everywhere.


Lets not forget the orb things starting to appear at first in the corner of your eye where you can barely see it and then gradually moving to a position where you can see it completely clearly.


My swearing and aggression are out of control. I’m not hurting or abusing anybody. I don’t know if it’s just me. I have been practicing certain forms of magick for like 20 years, but only in the last 2~3 years have been a dedicated student of the occult. This is where I defined the type of magick I do as ‘black’ based on my catholic background. No I don’t feel ‘cool’ or elite, I’m not a teenager. Magick just is. It’s only been 1 year aprox that I have been evoking with greater and greater success.

I normally have a kind, helpful, polite disposition, but my anger is much sharper since I officially started seeing great results with evocation. Idiocy, ignorance, and bad manners pisses me off so much. I can barely handle it.

I don’t feel as though I’m being controlled by something else, and I know that I’m not being cursed … and if I am, it’s not on my radar.

Oh well.


[quote=“Lady Eva, post:1, topic:6435”]2. Watchful Eye

Seeing a single eye, of some kind - as a vision, or when we close our own eyes - I had this appear first in a vision before I’d got into LHP philosophy, later it changed form somewhat from that, and it’s something quite a few people have mentioned on here;[/quote]

OMG This!!! When i do my shamanic traveling, I’m a Void traveller so when im about to start my journey a Dragonic eye will appear and i will enter it as a gateway. I Affectionately call it the Eye Of Tiamat!


Not sure if depression and anxiety were mentioned… but… I think it comes with the territory as one falls deeper into oblivion only to discover that which is the true self… I think most who gravitate towards the darker aspects tend to have emotional and physical trauma to deal with. Though just seeking out such without such prior requirements can cause trauma still… it seems to be some prerequisite (at least from my perspective ) doors fly open… you get confronted with all sorts of mayhem and chaos if you are the type to rip off the bandaid… however… As much as it is the epitome of fucked up… it can likewise be a saving grace.

What happens when you’ve proven to yourself it’s more real than you expected?

Contracting with certain beings can be very useful in such…

Some will push you… further than you believe capable… yet even when you are not… they are still there… that is the beauty.

I tend to agree with EA on the matter of possession. It’s one HELL of a ride… but in all honesty… it can be so worth it.

Not to be taken lightly of course…


I feel a shift in energy when I walk into my ritual chamber (bedroom). The air feels thick and heavy as soon as I step through the doorway and often causes my hairs to stand on end. Also been getting alot of possible poltergeist activity lately. Nothing moving that I can see, just a bunch of thumping, knocking and occasional banging. Could be because I don’t banish.


Bump! Starting to have these experiences more and more. Thanks for the info @Lady_Eva


Agreed, Number 7 seems to be the case for me with the work im exploring with jupiter, as it seems to be a result of going to sitri to learn who has ties to this planet from what I’ve learned.


Bumping this for all the new members who may be experiencing things and wondering “wtf?!” :smiley: