College LHP folks?

So I’m going off to college next Thursday and unfortunately my dorm won’t allow candles. Sooo I may need to improvise on my craft. Any of you are in college now or previously? Have any of you done rituals in the woods or out in the open? Any tips on doing witchcraft in college?


Those battery operated candles could work well.


Or kerosene oil lamps?

I will have to ask the Residency Hall Director. I can try to sneak in incense since they aren’t a fire hazard like candles

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they’d probably set off your fire alarm. you can use candles bro no one follows the rules anyways, just make sure you catch all the smoke when you put out the flame

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I work in higher ed. Please don’t bring anything flammable into a dorm situation.

That said, I know that there’s something about candles that’s hard to replace, even for me as Mr. Magic-Props-Are-Cool-But-Optional. Little electric candles are nice. If you have a car, make a little “portable altar” kit and go find a place where you can be safely alone. I had one that was nothing more than my little Smoked Glass Virgin Mary/Lilith As Dark Mother figurine, a magic rock from one of my places of power, and a tea light.

Finally, now would be an excellent time to begin working on your astral temple.

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Thank you! I was planning on making a travel altar and do my work outside away from college campus. But since I am a study novice witch, how do I work on my Astral Temple?

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This is my first time dorming and I don’t like to get in trouble from the director lol. I spoke to some people on my dorm and they said incense is fine as long as the windows are open

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Consider working with Vine, from the Goetia. Being in college you probably can’t break out some of the tools. Vine can aid your mental magic, basically helps you focus and improve your skills. (I’ve set of an embarrassing amount of fire alarms, so err on the side of caution. :joy:)


Is Vine good for beginners? I may need to do some research on him/her before Thursday!


There’s no real wrong way to do it. Some people just visualize it. Like they’re making a little pocket universe for themselves. Personally, I just visualize the ritual I want to do in a void or in my regular “temple” (aka my bedroom). Sometimes, when I’m doing my meditation or in dreams, I’ll find a place and re-use it later.

Point is, experiment.

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