Cloud pearls

what exactly are these and are there any occult uses for them

huh - reading up on them now…

So - they appear to be a somewhat mythical thing. They are apparently produced by the hindu gods and dropped from the sky/astral realm, they solidify into a real pearl before it hits the ground and are said to have fantastic occult properties.
I think it might be tough to find a legitimate cloud pearl. You might have to go into hindu spirit territory to procure one.
I’m fucking interested as hell now though :stuck_out_tongue: heh

They definitely have something to them… Perhaps you could get an entity to bring one to you

Meditating on this subject, It seems like paralda would be able to allow you to hold one of these pearls… I am at the point where I would do pretty much anything to get my hands on one

holy christ - if it’s a fake, that’s a hell of a rip.
If you can get entities to physically manifest, you could probably find one who’d bring one to you.

You might even be able to get the entity to show you how it’s made and let you help make it, what limited parts a human could have in it’s manufacture - so it would be specific to you.
This is one thing that is definitely now on my list.
This and the philosopher’s stone.

Hmm next step evoke the air and water elemental kings to either manifest one or guide me to one. There is actually a big business making fake ones in Indonesia and selling them to us Americans for huge amounts of cash so I recommend getting one by occult means. If someone felt like posting about this on koetting’s wall or If he would comment I am sure he could tell us about them. I would post but I have bothered him enough this week lol

According to Garuda Purana even the lowborn man would become supreme ruler by possessing such a ancient pearl and no form of evil could even touch the land within eight thousand mile radius.

Well now, they have my interest. I’m also down for obtaining one of these.

EDIT: Also has anyone had any experience buying stuff from occult treasures? Are they reliable?


That’s bad ass! I don’t want to pay $7K for one though. We get brutal hail storms here in Texas regularly. I wonder if one of these stones is hidden somewhere locally? Since they are buried in the Earth would Ghob be the appropriate spirit to contact for their location? Since they are linked to martial arts I really need to get my hands on one.

[quote=“ZachD555, post:10, topic:406”]Woah,

That’s bad ass! I don’t want to pay $7K for one though. We get brutal hail storms here in Texas regularly. I wonder if one of these stones is hidden somewhere locally? Since they are buried in the Earth would Ghob be the appropriate spirit to contact for their location? Since they are linked to martial arts I really need to get my hands on one.[/quote]

Ghob would know for sure.

Today I met with my teacher, he has a genuine cloud pearl he’s willing to let me have for just under 700$, gotta get the money together, but I’ll have it sooner or later.

Also here’s a secret you might not know, the reason why cloud pearls are so badass is because a spirit lives inside them. And not just any spirit, the one in this pearl at least is fucking powerful. According to my teacher its power is on par with a loa spirit.

EA and Dante have both said that the loa have unrivaled power among the spirits, but it would seem there is at least one other type of spirit that is within that power range.

[quote=“defectron, post:12, topic:406”]Today I met with my teacher, he has a genuine cloud pearl he’s willing to let me have for just under 700$, gotta get the money together, but I’ll have it sooner or later.

Also here’s a secret you might not know, the reason why cloud pearls are so badass is because a spirit lives inside them. And not just any spirit, the one in this pearl at least is fucking powerful. According to my teacher its power is on par with a loa spirit.

EA and Dante have both said that the loa have unrivaled power among the spirits, but it would seem there is at least one other type of spirit that is within that power range.[/quote]please do keep us updated :wink: