Cleansing Fullmoon Ritual in secret?

I was wondering if you know any cleansing ritual without needed to burn any incense? From the moment I have 2 roomates I wouldn’t like them to knock my door in the middle of the night to ask what the *** is smelling in our floor :joy:
So it must be in secret, I could use candles ofcourse, the appropriate text and a lot of concentration in this fullmoon which is ahead.
Have you such a ritual in mind?

Cleansing a person or a thing? Small thing? Large thing?

Can it withstand running water without getting ruined? Leave it out in the sun without it losing color or similar?


If it’s a room, I would just use GBRP.

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Oh I’m sorry, I was talking about my self :smile:

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Ritual bath would work.


Even if there’s only shower in the house? :neutral_face:

This one seems good, but if you have a bath tub available


It’s all about intent. State your intent to cleanse before you get in the shower. State your intent while you shower. Visualize the water falling on you as a bright white light, cleansing you inside and out. Visualize all of the ‘negative’ junk rinsing off of you and going down the drain. Do you have salt? Epsom, pink Himalayan? Those are great for cleansing too. Scrub your whole body down, again, with the intent to cleanse.


If running water can be used to cleanse items, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work with people, if done with intent.


Ιt was so simple?! That’s great then, Thanks a lot both of you :smile:


If you do want to use anything else, like any herbs, you can also brew them beforehand (once more with intent lol), let the brewed water cool and then pour it all over yourself at the end of your shower, so that it stays on your body (don’t rinse it off). Cleansing rituals are easily adaptable!


you re doing often cleansing baths I guess :slightly_smiling_face:
I will try tis tomorrow and look for some nice aromatic herbs!
I wanna do tho something with candles… maybe a spell , I will see :slight_smile: Are you doing any magick tomorrow?


I’ve done a bath or two, yes lol.

Do it up if you’re feeling it! Have a good one tomorrow and yes, I have some things planned :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you girl! You too,
Success :hugs:

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