Clair abilities

I was wondering if a person worked on getting rid of all blockages that blocked them from fully using their Clair abilities, would they be able to fully use them after getting rid of all the blockages? @ReyCuervo @Undying.Embers @anon37593562


I imagine it would help tremendously and for many people, getting rid of their blockages would be most of the battle…
That being said however, it is up to the magician to use the ability after the blockages have been dealt with. For example a muscle that hasn’t been used can be very hard to learn whilst it may come naturally to others (sort of like wiggling your ears, some people can’t and some people can, yet some have to practice building the sensory nerves to activate those muscles) poor example I know but helped me none the less.

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I love the way you worded everything @Undying.Embers thank you for this information this was perfect :ok_hand: thanks :two_hearts:

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My pleasure.
Setting intention and visualization has been great help. Like anything though just remember, no pressure and go with your first instinct. Find a place and/or person to practice without any judgement. Experimenting can be great practice.

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Thanks :fist:t3:


Well, any internal blockage will hinder or at least slow the development of any skill, so yes. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to lift to get bigger and stronger muscles.

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It’s an ongoing thing. You have to keep evolving as there may be new situations that block your ability that comes up. We are energy beings so our energy always in changing phase. The environment may affect one’s abilities too since it affect you energetically. Certain thoughts affect your vibration. Certain people do too. And certain people have different abilities more tuned to them. There also nutrition and life troubles. You may be more clear one day but not the next due to lack of rest. And then there are habits of thoughts of ego , bad, good, that affect your ability. Being emotional don’t help. Gotta learn to be observer and calm to allow messages to come through. Another thing to consider is you don’t know which blocks you have or you don’t know what needs to be worked on to open your senses. It’s trial and error. Some methods work for one but not for another.

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