Civil Court Case

So I’m in a court case with my landlord. I have been doing well in most of the preliminary hearings but there is another preliminary hearing next week which I was unaware of until a few moments ago.

I don’t know if there was something in my landlords lawyers most recent email but when I opened it I was overwhelmed with a tremendous sense of fear. This has never happened before so I was wondering if there was something in that email energetically. I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to control this fear. Particularly the fear of losing.

As to the preliminary hearing next week (first of three) I am planning on summoning Belial but only have a 50% chance of results with Belial.

I’m also wondering if my patron entity Zagan. I know law isn’t necessarily his sphere of influence but I have a really good relationship with him generally.

In the mundane I’m also going to see if my lawyer is Available for the hearing next week.

To ease anxiety, I would ask King Paimon. He’s good with mind control and influencing feeling in my personal experience. That would mean your own as well. Many other spirits are good with influencing feelings as well.

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Belial is always worth a shot. If you present a little more offerings than usual, he could be inclined to help. Divination is needed with him imo but he can be a bit of a troll.

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