I see them all. I’ve read some of the most powerful magician’s circles down to the newest magician’s circle.
I see them all.
I see fire ones, stone ones, mushroom ones, grass ones, ones drawn out, ones carved and on and on. I see powerful ones and no so powerful ones. I see magick sway and flow.
I see what ones does. Who one works with. What is in the circle with the magician and what is outside the circle waiting to come in.
I see fire circles. Each one is different. Orange flames, red flames, blue flames. On and on
Flames are fun to see I can tell so much just by looking at the size, feeling the heat and knowing the thickness of the flame.
Colors can indicate alot as well.
Other types of circles do sometimes appear.
Like stone circles.
Or mushroom circles
Circles can also appear to be drawn, craved or scratched
Every magician has a circle wether they physically use one or not. Their circle is there.
All I have to do is reach out and I’ve found it.
Some circles have things drawn out in them. Like a star, sigil ECT.
Some circles have certain spirits, guides or ancestors. Some show a path to take or paths to take.
Some show grimiores, journals, notebooks.
And some very special circles start to spin and when the spinning starts, I know I’m about to go on a journey … Set’s circle , Apollo’s circle and black magician’s circle have taken me on journey’s, adventures.
I look at a circle, I touch the flames. The flames touch me. Some are extremely hot, some mild, and some not so hot.
I walk through the flames and see from the inside. Anything I want to know.
Some circles are even transparent.
Protection, shielding, strength, skill level and magicks … I see and I know.
I enjoy reading circles. They are always interesting. They can help the magician see aspects to work on, paths to take and what their strengths are and what is around them.
Circle readings take things beyond the ordinary and make the extraordinary. It’s the magick of the sorcerer in this space outside of time. Outside of the mundane. The place where the true magick lies.
Sometimes I’m pulled to a circle as if a river current were pulling me a long and sometimes I reach for the magician and the circle.
But I always see.
Sometimes I don’t see what the magician had hoped for. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just see them for my own knowing or exploring.
Every magician has a circle so make yours strong. By shielding and protection.
I’ve seen hounds rise up from a circle , run out of the circle dragging bodies back into the circle where they ripped and tore the bodies apart and crunched the bones in their strong mouths. And then the bones were thrown into a pot, used for dark arts.
Circles are powerful and tell the story of the magician.
Hail Hakate! Goddess of witchcraft and magick.