Hey there! Are you eager to spend a minute or two on reading a small update out of the world of an infant magician?
Well my friend, youve come to the right place.
Yesterday I wanted to create a necromancer in Diablo 3 and since Im notoriously bad at coming up with creative names (in case you couldnt tell from my nickname on these forums) I opened up “Honoring death” by Connolly and had a look at the death demons listed there. They were Eurynomous, Baalberith, Babael, Mephisto, Beleth, Bune, Bifrons, Gamigin, Murmur, Belial, Hecate and Anubis.
None of those REALLY captured me that hard that I wanted to use it as a character name so I just made the character female and called her Cutie (female necromancers in D3 look really cute if you ask me).
Anyway…last night I dreamed and I cant remember a whole lot of it but I do remember clearly that the name Beleth was either spoken or written or both. And some message to the extent of “I will teach you this”.
Now, I am a very sceptical person and although if a demon would want to contact my beginner ass in some way, this would probably be the way to do it. But I am sceptical so I began writing a post on here with the exact words above (minus the introduction) in order to get some feedback on whether this demon is approaching me or whether this is a case of ‘brain making sense of what happened throughout the day’. While writing this post however I came to the conclusion that it couldnt be more clear cut than how it happened so I figured to turn it into a journal post instead.
I think its important to do so for 2 reasons. First this could be a crucial point at which I begin to slowly shift from second guessing everything supernatural that happens to me (and having to have people confirm to me that ‘yes indeed, it did happen’) to just accepting that I can´t really be 100% sure but that I can go with what makes the most sense to me.
Second I find it important to document for beginners because this is one of those points where you can see progress. Because be assured that if you are a beginner I was 100% as sceptical and unsure and whatnot as you might be about your experiences. It took me about 6 years from beginning to consider occult stuff at all, to now SOMETIMES trusting my own experiences. Quite a defeating realisation but also solid, hard earned progress!
So if youre still in the chaos of questioning, believing than not believing, wanting to quit it all because its all bullshit, coming back because it might still be true; than this post is for you. If you ask me: ‘simply’ keep going. It´s not easy, actually it´s insanely hard. But once you do make that little bit of progress it´s such a relieve and it feels incredibly good. You got this fellow newbs, who will hopefully be reading this in the future!