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Back before I actually started practicing magick, someone I used to know (usually a girl) would “look me up” and admit they’ve been thinking about stuff like this.

I was practicing Qigong and energy healing at the time, so I would talk to them. At some point, I would offer to let them feel energy at a distance. I’m talking simple stuff … just a little vibration on a chakra or let them feel a stroke on the face.

Every single one of them, turned around, ran back to Christianity, and suddenly started posting “Praise Jesus! God is good!” all over their Facebook profile.

I can’t imagine how they would have reacted if they’d had the intense experiences that brought me to this point.


They actually aren’t that bad. They have a big section on Western Ceremonial Magick, with a lot of Crowley’s books and books about Thelema. They’re very Eastern in their overall outlook, and a tad bit New Agey. I actually like being in there surrounded by all of that wisdom and knowledge, even if it’s not wisdom and knowledge relevant to my current path and belief system. In all fairness though, it was spending hours at a time in there when I was in my mid twenties that ultimately got me where I am today. The namaste thing was just me being a smart ass, cuz I just can’t help it.

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lol What? Any of us being a smart ass? Surely not. lol

That doesn’t sound too bad with that shop. I like a lot of the Eastern outlook, but it’s the New Agey thing that gets me. I can’t really complain about some of the house wives in the yoga pants, though. :smiling_imp:

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Yeah, used to be “soccer moms”, now it’s “yoga moms”. I’d like to thank, and at the same time, slap whoever invented yoga pants. Three things that never lie: children, drunks, and yoga pants.


Out of curiosity, are any of you feeling the pull to Kurtis Joseph’s “Black Magick of Ahriman” current?

It wasn’t something that appealed to me consciously, but I can’t deny the call I’ve felt to it.

I live in the south in the US … and you do not want to see the Spandex Abuse you see in our Wal-Marts. Ugh.


I’m planning to buy the book with some friends offline and maybe work through it as a group, I almost never buy books but the pwoer from just a few of the posts and the free chapter resonated with my own experience of that current so strongly, so a definite yes on that. :slight_smile:


Me, personally, no. I’ve struggled a lot financially the last 7 or so years, and I’m just now getting back on my feet (thanks again, King Paimon). I don’t feel it’s in my best interest at this point to go down a path that’s going to rip my life apart, even if just temporarily in order to rebuild it.


It’s the same up north. However, I’m in Wholefoods a lot for work, and some of the trophy wives, oh my…

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Yeah, I feel ya on that Valkarath

I was with a girl last fall, she knew that I practiced black magick and at the time I wore a pendant consecrated as a gateway around my neck. One morning she picked it up and was rubbing it joking about calling demons out of it.

That very next night I got a phone call from her begging me to come over because there was a demon in her room. I went over to her place and she was lying on the couch with a blanket to sleep in the main room. She wouldn’t even go into her room with me but insisted “I take care of it”. She had got home from some party and noticed a shadow figure in her room, she tried to ignore it (like most people) and put her phone down before going into the bathroom. When she got back she found the phone had been moved by this demon and this freaked her out immensely.
So I go into her room and sure enough, the haunting spirit is actually one of the demons I work with, who was trying to connect with her after she had inadvertently called upon him the day before. Since she kept ignoring him he decided to do something that was undeniable.

Lets just say we separated after that event.


So, thanks again M’Lady for the post about Dynamis. I’m going to do a working soon with candles utilizing some Planetary Magick to get something I want. I’m going to add a yellow candle to the mix and call upon Dynamis to add some juice.


I understand that, Chef.


I’ve gotta admit, it surprised me. I saw the marketing for it and the “this is the blackest magick” hyperbole and I was like “eh”.

But then Ahriman came to me in a dream, which never happens. I still can’t remember the dream other than it felt like it was a peaceful, pleasant interaction.

My spiritual companions at the time told me the dream would unlock for me when the time was right.

I put it out of mind. As Eva says “When you do weird shit, weird shit happens.”

And then he showed up again as a shadow in my bedroom one night. He asked me to deliver a message to a forum member and had a message for me, too.

Basically, “get the book and hang onto it until the time is right”. I trust the spirits enough to know they’ve always lead me down the right path, so I was like “ok”.

And then yesterday … everything changed in just a few hours. And now I’m definitely going to devote myself to this current. Curious where it’s going to take me.


Ya think. lol

I feel for her, but I can’t say it enough … respect goes a looooong way. lol

Thanks for sharing that.

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Eva, thanks for posting about your experience with Azi Dahaka that time. When I was going through my experience yesterday, I remembered that post and just kinda relaxed into it.

And I"m so proud of myself … I did not lose my shit all over the forums. Kurtis Joseph probably thinks I’m a little flakey now, but I’ll take that as a definite win. lol

This current does work FAST and through the first opportunity, I was NOT expecting the depth of connection I got through the Azi Dahaka video, and yet it was immediate and also, healing. And glad my posts helped!

If I may return the compliment, you’re working so hard and accelerating in your ascent, it’s truly inspiring. :slight_smile:


Thanks, Eva. That really means a lot to me.

The truth is … I resisted for a long fucking time. Too long.

I don’t know if you guys are familiar with the “Hero’s Journey” mythological story model, but I realized the other day THAT is the journey we’re all on here.

I just resisted “the Call to Action” a long time. What can I say? I’m stubborn. lol

I wasted so much time … it’s just time for me to “do the work”.


We all have those times in our lives, I have, very much so! :wink:

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I just feel the wave building and I know I’m going to need to be ready when the time comes. There are some serious energetic shifts happening now. I’ve never seen anything like it in my lifetime.

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I’ll be here for a while if anyone wants to chat.
